Felix is the father's former mate. It seems like Felix did a number on the father and the father is hell bent on making Felix miserable even after taking his son away from him. He made his own son suffer for the crime his mother committed and it seems like Felix also imprinted on the father and he is afraid the same story is happening all over now that the omega has left and the omega has also imprinted on his son. Am sure the next chapters will provide a routine picture
Lean and Felix are not related. I am sure we will find out who Lean's parents are in the long run (you know how this trope works). I think Lean was swapped at birth because his mother ( the one who raised him)really gave birth to a son but we will know ahead and believed Lean was her biological son. It may also be that Lean is their biological son but Carlos tampered with DNA results( wouldn't put it past that sanuvabish). What sucks is this takes too long to be updated
have i missed something? WHO THE HELL IS FELIKS?! and that father is insane what he does to his son is not right either and he sasy that his grandson has an ugly hair color WTF HE SHOULD JUST DIE!!!!