the manhua got cancelled but the novel is finished! there used to be a fan translation but since seven seas anounced its license the fansub removed it, so if you want to read the whole thing you’ll have to wait for each book’s release
the manhua got cancelled but the novel is finished! there used to be a fan translation but since seven seas anounced its license the fansub removed it, so if you want to read the whole thing you’ll have to wa... gintoki [51%]
Damnn the manhua got cancelled n i need to wait for translation
Damnn the manhua got cancelled n i need to wait for translation ArdonLeo
unluckily yes :( also, I forgot to mention that the manhua is licensed too! so at least we can have the physical copy, tho I have no idea how they are gonna end it if it got cancelled
Does anyone know if Dinghai Fusheng Records manhua is discontinued and whether the novel is completed?