This is a good depiction of anger and hatred. Yes, we all agree that Yukio is in the right...

Seraphim December 25, 2024 2:50 am

This is a good depiction of anger and hatred. Yes, we all agree that Yukio is in the right for hating and wanting to kill the villagers. Hell, given the chance most of us would have already decimated that village. However, not only does Yukio’s hatred consume him it starts to hurt the people around him. If he wasn’t overcome with rage (even if justified) at his grandmother’s grave being destroyed he likely would’ve noticed the armed villager and been able to protect Kurumi. If he didn’t let the hatred take over he wouldn’t have hurt Kureha with his curse and would have been able to get help for Kurumi faster. Anger has value but it also has limits, at a certain point it just hurts the people around you.
