I like that take whatbi think hapoened is yes i agree that silence is tbe original timeline and what i think happened is that all that stuff that he says he read actually happened and when he had the misscarriage and tried to kill himself iheon probs saves him and Huimin ends up in hospital in acoma and the college version that Huimin remembers is a world he created while he was in acoma cause he wanted to live in world where they weren't omega or alpha and all that trauma would have never exsisted but then he came out of coma but thinks he has migrated into the novel silence but actually hes just back in his original timeline now but thinks he's in tbe novel idk but i love these theories honestly!!!

I like that take what i think happened is yes i agree that silence is the original timeline and what i think happened is that all that stuff that he says he read actually happened and when he had the misscarriage and tried to kill himself Iheon probs saves him and Huimin ends up in hospital in acoma and the college version that Huimin remembers is a world he created while he was in acoma cause he wanted to live in world where they weren't omega or alpha and all that trauma would have never exsisted but then he came out of coma but thinks he has migrated into the novel silence but actually hes just back in his original timeline now but thinks he's in the novel idk but i love these theories honestly!!!

Exactly! Huimin had a chance to "relive his own life as another person" so he is now able to understand all their misunderstandings. When he recovers his memory and understands that everything was real and not a novel book, he will explain to Iheon that the misunderstandings were due to him not being honest and not communicating and have a happy ending, cos I have a feeling that Huimin will join the 2 memories, only then will he continue to deal well with Iheon's obsessive behavior.
stuff i gathered from several comments some months ago... not even sure if all of these are true but they kept nagging in my head so i figured just write them down...
-silence, the novel, is their original timeline. they both had tragic endings.
-the normal, non-omegaverse world is Huimin's creation because he wanted to live peacefully with Iheon. in this world Iheon recalls their original timeline but he doesn't reveal anything to Huimin. also in this world, time would freeze for Iheon whenever Huimin wasn't around since the world is Huimin's creation. Iheon was basically lonely except from when Huimin is around since his presence will get time moving for Iheon again.
-the current timeline is them in their original omegaverse world but Huimin thinks he transmigrated into the novel. Iheon recalls their original timeline late in the game but he plans on keeping Huimin in the dark for fear of him getting abandoned.
-Huimin later does recall his own memories thanks to an item in his possession and he becomes furious with Iheon.
-they separate for a while and i forgot the rest that happened from here but it has a happy ending since Huimin retuned