I mean there's plenty of people who are proudly bi in Asia and plenty of characters in nanwha who will happily call themselves bi but this thing people do where they can accept they like someone of the same gender but don't use the word bi is a thing people do all around the world anything from not having the language for what they're feeling to simply not wanting to put a label on it at all to internalized homophobia to just feeling weird to call yourself bi if 99% of the time you're only attracted to girls save for the one person who's a guy at the end of the day labels are a personal choice and while there's certainly a conversation to be had about the fear artist have with using the word bisexual or whatever the equivalent of any is in their language is to simply insinuate that asians you know an entire continent "haven't discovered bisexuality yet" is kinda deeply messed up

Well the bi community is extremely erased even inside the LGBTQ+ community so it's even worse outside of it, now imagine in Asia where they're not as progressives as the west when it comes to feminism and LGBTQ+ rights. When the government intentionally work to erase sexual orientation then it's normal for the general population to be uninformed.
The vast majority of Asia does not recognize same sex couples or criminalize it and a few countries even have the death penalty for it. They don't have an access to knowledge on those topics as easy as ours.
Obviously I'm generalizing (even more so in my previous post were I was phrasing it in a humorous way) since a few countries recognize it but it is a fact that they tend to be behind on those subjects.
I agree with you it is messed up.
Lastly... isn't "kinda deeply" negating itself ?

One again Asia is an entire continent with vastly different cultures across its entirety if you mean Korea say Korea two each and every country has vastly different cultures of queerness and to act like they're all the same is kinda deeply fucked up (and no that phrase is negating itself the two adjectives are applied to different parts of the sentences) and three just from reading the chapter you can tell the author is writing Hyundo struggling with his queerness which is something that would happen even with someone who knows about the concept of bisexuality actually is something incredibly common with bisexual people
People seem to not like the author's putting out Hyundo's POV but... I kinda get why? The plot is set to revolve around an MC that's stuck between his past and a possible future. That has been apparent since early chapters. And although Hyundo is an ass, like let's be honest here, anyone who finds out what he's like will slap him like a wife finding out her husband cheated, he's still the second ML. So, it's mostly just to introduce the start of his presence being highlighted more in the future chapters and why he's sticking around.
Also, regarding Hyundo's "I'm not gay" thing going on. It's more common than you'd think. And some people that say that were straight until otherwise. But yeah, it happens. Hetero-flexible as some people call it with the phrases "I'm not gay but I like you" or "You're the only boy I've ever liked". Talk about having 99% anxiety all the time. Labels are so complicated. ( ̄∇ ̄")
Ideally, Taeyeon for the ending (at this point at least), but until we find out what really happened with him and his ex he'll still be a wildcard. Hopefully not much red flags. Please (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ