I also just caught up reading.
Although, I did notice the novel and manga have a lot of differences, and the manga is still unfinished so they might change things up.
But bro, the novel version of the ML is actually a verifiable pedophile without a shadow of a doubt . I gave him the benefit of the doubt in the manga version, but his novel counterpart deserves nice cold prison steel.

plus, welp MC officially u dumb..
MC actually said to ML: I have told him that, since Eluce has made great achievements as a knight, I would like his sentence to be reduced if possible.

fr, like were just gonna forget Elus/Eluce tried to kill a freakin MINOR?!!?! MC be that minor and be like "it's alright it was in the past"
nu uh gurl, he better be suffering..
plus I saw the side stories, guess what Elus/Eluc actually married someone but he was describe a lazy, neet and depressed person by his husband..
His husband love Eluce fr coz he fell for his sweet smile when he was younger, he met him during war and he was saved by him.. I mean sure Eluce can find his happiness but I want him to at least suffer and face the consequences of his action.

Okay WOW, that's like...so graphic I wasn't ready if it's like that then I hate this kind of ML. Like wdym you didn't know the 13 yr old you were supposed so protect gOT STABBED MULTIPLE TIMES BY SOME DERANGED MF?? TF??? I also saw the raws but only up to ch5 and I didn't like how MC kept blushing at ML's moves girl, you were abandoned as a minor (who didn't know better at that time) and got killed! don't get starty eyed now just cause he's handsome?!!

yes, plus rather than assuring MC when he wa minor. ML want MC to rely on ML so he didn't actually told him anything..
At the ending or side stories, apparently everyone knew MC doesn't have ability or powers since his STILL a minor.. Foreigner's were known to have abilities only when they come of age. BASICALLY, ML knew about it but never actually told MC???!! Plus the priest forgot or hadn't had the chance to tell MC coz during MCs childhood he wants someone to acknowledge him coz he lost his parents and wanted to lean on an adult.. For fucc sake, that's why his also using his chinuubyou pace coz this kid is wanting attention (typical of kids, ngl)
Anyway, everyone didn't hate MC. MC was just assuming things they just didn't like MC lying but they understood him coz he was a kid, they even said he might be annoying but he never actually harm anyone..
So ML is so fucc up too, coz he just wanted MC for himself. Plus rather than getting angry when he heard MC got stabbed, the reason he disappeared he just got angry LIKE FOR A FEW SEC and only thing in his mind was to get FREAKY with MC.. LIKE DUDE??!! HELLO WE HAVE A SERIAL KILLER ON THE RUN??
TBH, the only thing good in here are the SMUTS that is IF YOU FORGET THE PLOT.. LMAOO..
But the manga looks like a different in the novel, so I do hope the mangaka change some stuffs atleast to salvage this. LOL
Chapter 1 seems promising, didn't wanna judge based on the comments, and tried reading for myself. All I can say is...
I saw the raws and I READ THE NOVEL..
I was entirely curious on whose the culprit to MCs death. The murderer was the knight (named Elus/Eluce) with short red hair whose obsessed with ML which is also MLs half brother..
ML didn't knew that MC got killed not until MC told him and MC so dumb didn't even told ML who it was when he actually finally knew who stabbed him.. (MC power manifest, he can see in his dreams. Past and Future)
PLUS I FEEL SO BAD TO THE 13 YEARS OLD MC, he didn't get stabbed once but multiple times..it was brutal I wanna torture that moth3rfvck3r for getting jealous over a 13 year old boy..
Elus/Eluce stab MC once and covered him in a white cloth and then stabbed him again and again till the cloth was dyed in red, suddenly the body vanished and the cloth went flat to the ground. (MC returning to earth)
And when I say MC was dumb, Elus/Eluce thought if he couldn't kill MC then he TRIED killing ML by poisoning him.. MC saw it in his dreams in the future and tried saving ML..
When Elus/Eluce lost in the duel between ML, he drank the poisin he was gonna use on ML. And you know what MC ACTUALLY felt sorry and tried to save him coz apparently he had a cure back up incase he was late to save ML. He save that fvccer and said "atone for your sins."
LIKE WTFFF, let d@mn fuccer die...