I finished reading. sunyool is everything I want to be and everything I want all at once. I think I'll die from unrequited feelings if I actually meet a person like this holy shit. The author really cooked here. I can totally see that he's their favourite. spoiled, loud and bright, talented, flirty, can top you AND can bottom?? HE'S NOT GOOD AT DOING BOTH, HE'S GOOD AT DOING EVERYTHING!!! I looooove how their relationship is all about having fun too!!! jisuh and heejae are definitely the tension filled toxic couple who are only a delight to read and functional because they're in a fictional world. Meanwhile something like sunyool and haeyong's relationship is everything you could possibly want irl too. bjasbjbehjdbw. I love everything this author's cooking. The heejae crying scene definitely didn't dissapoint too, it was so adorable!!!. Author nim knows what she's doing fr. I trust her 100% and will read all her next works for sure. I have even more things to say but I'm rambling so I'll stop. Future me is going to be rereading this one a lot.
holy shit???? This is so peak. I almost squealed out of excitement. Jisuh is planning revenge! That's so fucking awesome, I feel so vindicated. Manipulation really is too easily forgiven. Usually the manipulatee (? if thats a word) cries a lot, rants and the manipulator gives a huge heartfelt apology and boom all's well and done it's a happy ending. And sure, that's not too bad if the manipulator changes but like cmon? the rage? the betrayal? the trust completely broken?? Where does all of that go? Why do we never see that seriously. But here, OMG I can tell jisuh is definitely planning something j u i cy. I can't wait, seriously.
And I also LOVE how when jisuh lashed out, it wasn't only some vague, "how could you! you betrayed me, did you feel nice making me look like a fool" dialogues, but he also specifically laid out all of the things he did and where he felt like things were off and directly confronted him. Fuck, it's great catharsis ahhhh. I can't wait to see the guy crying like all these comments say. Jisuh is being toxic rn, but that guy (i forgot his name lmfao) was toxic first. Two toxic bitches = great couple. That's probably not true, but that's how I feel right now and I'm GREATLY enjoying this.