
You guys always claim the author as predator when the story plot doesn't fit you. Like you have no frkng idea who this person is, how they wrote the story, no idea about their family or environment they grew in. So "Hey it's a story about a kid who was abused sexually, damn the author must be a pedo" sometimes just understand that if you don't like something doesn't mean they're bad or they should be deleted nnd not exist. And maybe you just don't actually understand psychological theme may ot be tagged or not.
This story would only be considered good in my book if it was a psychological manga. The way they're all messed up in the head... author is probably a pred or they just have a really weird fetish( I believe I'm allowed to kink shame shit that includes an underage person); either way, it's fucking disgusting. I don't like the way the author depicted multiple scenes of a kid masturbating. It's fucking weird but I kept going reasoning with myself that maybe this Is all about Shii's journey through his sexuality but nope. There wasnt even a fucking journey. He accepted it quickly and immediately wanted to fuck his friend. This was really shit and unless this ended with therapy for all of them and then they all get fixed this would stay shit lol. I just sincerely pity the uke, the things he's been through and now being pressured for sex by the guy he considered his friend. I do hope they tell and actual adult soon tho. That birth giver should not be using him as a replacement for the men she has. That's her child not a toy. Ugh this really would be better as a psychological with the focus on how mental health affects relationships with people, romantically.