Me: "You are entitled to your opinion" You: "Can people still give their opinion?"
Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
The same cognitive dissonance that makes you stay to read something you don't seem to enjoy, because literally no one is forcing you to read and stick around to read what you consider "stockholm syndrome" and "porn".
Also the same cognitive dissonance that makes you say that your opinions are facts just because you've decided so as if we were all 8 year olds. As far as I know, this is fictional art. Which means the only person this planet able to make "facts" about it is the author, all else is opinion and if you are too mad about it then stop reading art and go read maths or something.
Oh and there is no reality to a fictional story, and your lack of humility actually wont change that.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the way you spoke make you sound like you don't want a contrictory opinion than yours. You're guarding this work like if it was yours. Lol.
I've dropped this shit at chap5, but am staying for the social shock resulted from viewg that work.
I have not time to waste with someone who think that this kind of sexual torture can result to some love. You're delusional and justify it because 'it's fiction'. That's sad

Listen, if your hobby is to stick around stuff you don't like to complain about it that sounds like a you problem, I simply reminded you that no one is actually forcing you to stick around and to read something you don't like.
Didn't know you'd feel threatened by being reminded basic coherence lmao.
No one is trying to justify anything because we don't have anything to justify to begin with, you are absolutely nobody to any of us
Congrats on "not wasting time" next time try not wasting time on stories you don't like lmao that will also save you a great deal of time! Maybe you DID end up getting my point actually
You're entitled to your opinion, goodbye!

Also, you are entitled to your opinion and no one is forced to care about it, and in fact, we don't care. Especially when your "opinion" is simply trying to shame people and whining because someone told you that leaving is an option victim hood isn't cute
Anyway keep blabbing if you want to, but I'll make sure that you don't pollute my notifications by doing so.

Meruemshu: you know, blocking people is also a way to declare forfait. So you've lost the argument.
My point of view is nothing, but yours has no value either because you're a nobody (and a rude one at that, bet I'm not the only one to tell you).
If you can stick around and spread your nonsenses, so do I. And I have quite fun to annoy people like you who can't seem to see further than their very nose
Damn I hope he escapes soon