I think he mentions this because he knew him from thé past.... Maybe that's why he said to him i Prefer you calling me like this?? And mentioned who did so in thé past.... He's maybe related to him ....
The weather is a disappointment lmfao if you end up coming to england don't go to London, go to Dorset, york or the lake district. Trust me Isekai-ed into ur bed
Something about finding the language easy and that someone doesn't or something I'm a lost cause Isekai-ed into ur bed
I said it's nice of you to learn french and if it was easy for you yes or no because English is not a Roman language lol and of cours here the Dutch people can speak French but hates it at the same time they find it hard to learn
I said it's nice of you to learn french and if it was easy for you yes or no because English is not a Roman language lol and of cours here the Dutch people can speak French but hates it at the same time they fi... Aviinà
Ahh okay oui c'est facile pour moi, mais je ne comprende pour quoi (omds that rhymed lmfao) ayy that's nice of you to say, and it's also quite admirable for you to learn French even if you find it difficult teehee
Ahh okay oui c'est facile pour moi, mais je ne comprende pour quoi (omds that rhymed lmfao) ayy that's nice of you to say, and it's also quite admirable for you to learn French even if you find it difficult tee... Isekai-ed into ur bed
Hahaha j'ai trouvé Che tu fais tremons de pratique le français, ça c'est vraiment admirables l'efforts che toi fait maintenant pour pouvoir écrire, parler les français .. bon chance a vous
Ahh okay oui c'est facile pour moi, mais je ne comprende pour quoi (omds that rhymed lmfao) ayy that's nice of you to say, and it's also quite admirable for you to learn French even if you find it difficult tee... Isekai-ed into ur bed
Ahh okay oui c'est facile pour moi, mais je ne comprende pour quoi (omds that rhymed lmfao) ayy that's nice of you to say, and it's also quite admirable for you to learn French even if you find it difficult tee... Isekai-ed into ur bed
Yeah I grew up with french and Dutch, we learn two language in school and when we go in middelschool we get English to... but the French side of Belgium doesn't learn our Dutch language.... So still not easy for most of us here
Yeah I grew up with french and Dutch, we learn two language in school and when we go in middelschool we get English to... but the French side of Belgium doesn't learn our Dutch language.... So still not easy fo... Aviinà
That's actually quite interesting tbh thanks for letting me know hehe
Hahaha j'ai trouvé Che tu fais tremons de pratique le français, ça c'est vraiment admirables l'efforts che toi fait maintenant pour pouvoir écrire, parler les français .. bon chance a vous Aviinà
I think he mentions this because he knew him from thé past.... Maybe that's why he said to him i Prefer you calling me like this?? And mentioned who did so in thé past.... He's maybe related to him ....
Just a hunch