Yea I saw it happen to you and someone else that’s what prompt me to make the comment some loser can say “everybody already knew this” or some stupid shit like that to try and counter that it is a big spoiler the story hasn’t said anything about that and at that point it could’ve stayed as a theory in the back of your mind but instead people decided to just ruin the fun of reading it

So true it's frustrating. There was no indication of that plot twist AT ALL. Not up to this point at least. Smh people these days. They can't even explain the "obvious" plot twist and just insult people. Like its okay bro we know you want to be smart but you're not since you act like an 11 year old.

Then they have the nerve to pull out shit from their ass talking about it’s so obvious “says shit that could’ve been left up to a theory or that character just being that character” like bitch we know you just read other comments spoiling the whole story why are you ruining the story for the rest of us, just cuz you want to feel superior for “knowing” what happens, all of them can go choke with their wannabe mean girl acts and fuckass superiority complexes
Okay I’m sick of this shit. To all the people in the comments that keep replying with MAJOR spoilers in comments that have NOTHING to do with that major spoiler and the person DIDNT ASK for spoilers either I hope you get severely burned like why tf do you keep spoiling and it’s such a major spoiler too like seriously hope the worst for y’all, cuz not only do you spoil this poor person WHO DIDNT EVRN ASK TO BE TOLD THAT you’re spoiling other people who just want to see what people are saying about the latest chapter. Y’all are the worst spoilers I’ve ever had the misfortune of seeing at least spoilers of other stories have the decency to cover up to where unsuspecting people don’t see it. Fuck you, you know who you are.