Idk why people are acting like Kaname started to ignore Shima and started being cold to hi...

Abel✯lied December 21, 2024 11:27 pm

Idk why people are acting like Kaname started to ignore Shima and started being cold to him, did we read the same manga??? They still laughed together, they went on dates, they held hands and we're lovey-dovey even in the most tense part of the story. He wasn't being cold, he just stopped having sex, for what, a week?? And people are out here calling him a dumb bitch, saying he's manipulative and insufferable?

"They've been dating for two years and they can't communicate such a simple thing?!" Congratulations! You've missed the entire plot ( and there's not an abundance of it) of the manga! They are high school sweethearts, who've been together so long and understand each other so well, that they never learned how to communicate, because it came naturally to them, but this one small issue blooms into a bigger problem that brings up all their insecurities, making it clear that there's still need to talk to one another. That's it! That's the plot!

And Shima!! Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's a bad guy or anything, but the people acting like he's a victim of all this are ridiculous. Because guess what: He also didn't communicate! He hadn't asked once why they're not having sex anymore. Which makes narratively sense, because this is a mutual problem, that they need to solve together, as the author makes explicit in the dialogue, but it sure must be absurd to the people that think he's this little baby that miscommunication just happens to.

Idk, it's really weird that Kaname not having sex with Shima and not discussing it with him, is treated by the commenters as this huge crime, but Shime trying to have sex with Kaname, knowing he's avoiding it and yet not discussing it with him, is just a smal lapse in judgement.

    mel January 19, 2025 5:12 pm

    Exactly . Loved the story, loved this comment!

    mochikura March 1, 2025 10:11 pm
