Monkey explain:
Dungeons Go boom
Danger + evolution = please with pew pew powers
Pew pew powers = esper
But if use too much pew pew power then X-X
So, people get heal heal power for pew pew
power through touch touch
Heal heal power = guides
More touch touch = more heal heal power to pew pew user
The more a heal heal user is compatible to pew pew user, the more the heal power transfers to pew pew user
Both got limits
Both pew pew user and heal heal user got classes
Higher the class, more power

The first comment explains it pretty well
Hi, can someone explain this to me? I tried looking it up online but I haven't been able to understand how it works. I know omegaverse, murim, and system/tower based stories, but I don't understand guideverse.