Anyway here's my review if anyone cares to why this sucks imo:
*Stopped at chap 28. Some spoilers* jfc, seeing all the comments gush about how cute and sweet these two guys are had me hopeful but i can't get past these chapters. Like, what the fuck?
In the case of Jaeyhuk, Garam is constantly getting dehumanized by his sex partner (ex. paraphrasing but "ew, you're a guy, cover your face while we have sex"). Especially, early on, he doesn't care about Garam's pleasure (go figure). Let the man jack off! Two, when Garam asks him to stop during sex, he doesn't. Not just once, but on multiple occasions!! Sure, during midterms, he bought Garam a new computer and apologized for breaking it, but did he ever apologize for forcing himself onto him, making him hit his head, and not listening when he was asked to stop? No. Those are the real problem and they're fucking nasty. Jaehyuk is a sex addicted freak who doesn't see his sex partner as an equal, but rather an object to help him get off. He was constantly pushing his boundaries and ignoring his needs and GARAM I'M MAD AT YOU TOO. For Garam to continue having sex with him just 'cause he has a big dick makes me violent (extra points since I AM GAY TOO. BITCH WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STAND UP). Sex is not the end all be all as a man in your 20s, you will find someone else with a big dick (or you could even get an 9" toy if that's what you need!!)
Underneath their disagreements and clash of personalities is something more dire if they wanted their relationship to work: Jaehyuk is homophobic and Garam is straight. There is no way for the relationship to work since, speaking to Garam, YOUR MAN DOES NOT RESPECT YOU. First of all, as a gay person, it is insane to have such little dignity to sleep with a homophobic person. To do that, your self-respect has to be fucking non-existent. They detest your entire existence. He continuously calls him a "perverted homo" or "gay prick" (bitch your fucking him, POT MEET KETTLE) even after they fuck. I was looking forward to Jaehyuk's character development, but I don't see how the author could even if "He's had his queer awakening now and is no longer homophobic!" since I find it unlikely my 1st and 2nd points will ever get addressed or fixed (they never do, it's BL).
One more thing, rhetoric I hate in BL (and smut in general), but just because someone is hard or wet does not mean they "want it." When experiencing sexual stimulation, it is a natural reaction for someone to get hard or wet; it does not mean they like it. Hearing Jaehyuk be like, "But your dick is hard, so even though you're saying no, obviously you like it!" had me wanting to strangle him. To be a bit more serious for a second, this rhetoric has real world harm where survivors of sexual assault legitimately have trouble thinking of their assault as assault because they hear, "If you get hard (or are wet), that means you wanted it!" Fuck that.
Ultimately, I'm aware 28 chapters isn't a lot out of the (at the time of writing) 74 chapters available, but it is abundantly clear the foundation of this comic is shit. It's so bad. At times, Jaehyuk was funny, he made me giggle. And Garam was cool, minus the complete lack of self-respect. But there are so many good BLs, and manhwas in general, for me to read, I'm not wasting my time reading this anymore.
Anyway here's my review if anyone cares to why this sucks imo:*Stopped at chap 28. Some spoilers* jfc, seeing all the comments gush about how cute and sweet these two guys are had me hopeful but i can't get pas... arc
All valid points. Especially the real world harm about being hard or wet. It's a thing literal rapists say to their victims and I always think it's disgusting to hear. Honestly Jaehyuk doesn't improve for ages. He does realise he genuinely likes garam but the homophobia is still there underneath. I can imagine it being realistic for someone brought up to think this way. Obviously.not condoning his behaviour in any way, he's an ass. He seems to only want garam back because he can't get hard for anyone else despite trying! That bit always pissed me off.
I get why you dropped. It gets better but there's still plenty for them to unpack as a couple. I personally think Jaehyuk liked Garam from very early in the story and the cognitive dissonance of this guy with overt and internalised homophobia falling in love with a man, is an interesting concept to explore.
Anyway here's my review if anyone cares to why this sucks imo:*Stopped at chap 28. Some spoilers* jfc, seeing all the comments gush about how cute and sweet these two guys are had me hopeful but i can't get pas... arc
Omg I just read the next chaps after 28, do not read, you will hate it! Stick to your drop!!
All valid points. Especially the real world harm about being hard or wet. It's a thing literal rapists say to their victims and I always think it's disgusting to hear. Honestly Jaehyuk doesn't improve for ages.... Avora
I agree with you, I believe Jaehyuk liked Garam from very early on, but he could never admit it to himself. I mean, he went through an entire day, and all he could think about was Garam. Sure his personality was trash, but he gets better especially after he realises he has genuine feelings for Garam and not just simply sexual feelings.
All valid points. Especially the real world harm about being hard or wet. It's a thing literal rapists say to their victims and I always think it's disgusting to hear. Honestly Jaehyuk doesn't improve for ages.... Avora
Exploring internalized homophobia would be so cool since so many gay people experience it but this just ain't the way to do it imo T-T
Anyway here's my review if anyone cares to why this sucks imo:*Stopped at chap 28. Some spoilers* jfc, seeing all the comments gush about how cute and sweet these two guys are had me hopeful but i can't get pas... arc
At the end of the day this is story by a woman for women. This is why it is written like this and it won’t change anytime soon in this genre. The plot is just a vehicle for porn at the end of the day. So expecting actual thought and realism to go into the plot’s delivery is fully dependent if the author respects their audience enough to want to deliver such an experience.
Anyway here's my review if anyone cares to why this sucks imo:*Stopped at chap 28. Some spoilers* jfc, seeing all the comments gush about how cute and sweet these two guys are had me hopeful but i can't get pas... arc
I feel you but Jaehuyk is portrayed at first as an immature, ignorant, selfish and pretentious brat so why are you expecting an exemplary behavior from such a character? It's not like the author fooled us. It was right in front of our eyes from the very first panels. The way he carried himself, the way he talked to his friends...etc. Garam saw it right away and that's why he didn't like him at all, rightfully so. Even the big dick excuse doesn't really make sense. At that time, he hated Jaehuyk so much even the dick shouldn't have convinced him to let go and fuck with him. I don't know why the author rushed their bonding that way tbh. Still, both characters have their flaws and it's their interaction on the long run that is supposed to trigger some positive outcome. Jaehuyk growing the F up and learning how to respect and love while Garam will slowly heal from his past relationship trauma. It's this evolution that makes the storyline interesting. Jaehuyk's behavior was disturbing and unacceptable multiple times but each time Garam confronted him about it. He's not not a passive character and that's refreshing
I agree with you, I believe Jaehyuk liked Garam from very early on, but he could never admit it to himself. I mean, he went through an entire day, and all he could think about was Garam. Sure his personality wa... Giffle
I do share this opinion. He was in total denial at first. His obsession was mainly motivated by him liking Garam rather than just sex. The perfect illustration of this was the fact he kept calling Garam ugly and criticizing him constantly while mentioning him to his friends. Fast forward to the latest Chapters, we have more insights into Jaehuyk's initial feelings: he never truly believed Garam was ugly. Quite the opposite. As a matter of the fact, he doesn't even remember himself talking badly about Garam when his (girl) friend confronted him about it. He is even shocked by her words lol
At the end of the day this is story by a woman for women. This is why it is written like this and it won’t change anytime soon in this genre. The plot is just a vehicle for porn at the end of the day. So expe... blueninja89
no, you're completely right, it's just disappointing :')
Man I've read some bad BLs, this isn't even the worst, but this makes me VIOLENT AAGH T-T