They run now, garon eventually catches them, takes imae back, raon comes back and kidnaps him again, as the Emperor dies. Mc and raon are in the village then as you say mc gets his name and goes back to garon who tries to be good for mc.
It's almost all available to read for free where I've linked above
No that does kind of happen but it's not the end
Raon gives mc the name roha then roha goes back to garon who didn't die from the poison, roha gave him the antidote in time. And now they're getting together properly. link to a decent English translation. We're at chapter 22 atm
Raon remains a green flag till the end
We shall have some Raon n imae time together in a village while they're on the run but imae keeps thinking of Garon n eventually he'll leave raon for Garon
Raon does the naming ceremony and gives imae a name.