I think because it’s subjective.
Some people tend to give more importance to some actions rather than other actions.
For instance with Cirrus we talked about forced kisses and okay the blackmail but maybe for some this isn’t so important. I mean it’s true that a forced kiss is sexual harassment/assault whatever u wanna call it but it’s still a kiss dunno if I make myself understood. Something “passable”. Especially considering that Cirrus didn’t know Skylar’s background with kisses and the Minwoo’s incident.
While for Skylar the scene the OP talks about is like this “how could Skylar even DOUBT for a second the vulnerable moment Cirrus shared with him about that one time his teacher molested him?!”
Well I have the answer for that: because Skylar has trust issues which find answer in his past. Simple. So he questioned EVERYTHING (even some sensitive topics Cirrus shared).
To someone from the outside that might irk more than some forced kisses I dunno again it’s the subjective of the reader. Some readers put more weight into some things rather than others.
Oh, come on! Give us the rest. And fu** you Skyler. I know you're young and all, but you hurt Cirrus by exploiting his weakness, which he entrusted you with. That was unforgivably low. I'm sorry for what your first love did to you, but you don't deserve Cirrus and, honestly, I want Cirrus to find happiness with someone else and I want you to regret this for the rest of your life.