maybe you don’t remember, but i think he died. It was implied when Vivi’s mom started to hear rumors about the black panter that had a rabbit as a pet. That is why she wanted her back, because there was no heir to their house anymore.
maybe you don’t remember, but i think he died. It was implied when Vivi’s mom started to hear rumors about the black panter that had a rabbit as a pet. That is why she wanted her back, because there was no ... hallelou
The son? Yeah, I read that he died, but there wasn't really any backstory as to how he died tho. I'm curious
I may be wrong but I thought after Vivi’s disappearance, he became involved with the drug they used on her to grow her pheromones, and he dove involving some shady business related to that
I may be wrong but I thought after Vivi’s disappearance, he became involved with the drug they used on her to grow her pheromones, and he dove involving some shady business related to that Hokipoki
*and he died involving some shady business related to that
There's alot of plot holes and the author only focused on the relationship aspect of this manhwa
1. What happened to Kairi, Vivi's younger brother? He died just like that? There's no mention of his death other than the fact that he died
2. Why did Vivi's mother want an heir so badly? To the point where she used the drug to try to enhance Vivi's power
3.what happened to Vivi's father after setting the Rabbit Clan Chief palace on fire?
4. What happened to Vivi's family adter the whole incident? Stripped off their aristocracy?
5. What happened to the drug?
It feels like this issues was brushed aside after contributing to the growth of their relationship. But maybe I'm just picky idk.