also its crazy how they tried to make it seem like the old brother was in the wrong for trying to keep his lil bro away from A GROWN MAN like the old bro was def fvcked up in the head but he was NOT wrong for trying to keep his 11yo brother away from an almost 30yo stranger nor was he wrong for tracking his location, the world is a dangerous place so safe better than sorry ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

It’s been awhile since I read this story but from WHAT I can RECALL, the older brother was extremely controlling. It wasn’t just about the tracker on the phone. It wasn’t just about the fact that he was also recording audio from his brother’s phone. Nor was it about him trying to keep the MC away from a strange adult.(I’m pretty sure that was all new cause the MC when he was little never tried going after a grown adult, the sudden change had the older brother become even more extreme this new time around.)
The whole issue with the older brother was that he did not let the MC be himself. He controlled every aspect of his life. From the people who associated with him to his studies and so forth. (The dude literally managed to isolate him from his classmates, he barely had any memories from that part of his life. That is how brainwashed and controlled his little brother was)
Was he wrong for trying to keep his minor brother away from a grown ass adult? Under normal circumstances no. Under the storyline’s circumstances however, that psychotic brother of his would have tried to prevent him from seeing the Vet whether the MC was a minor or an adult when they first met. Honestly, him using “he’s underage” didn’t feel like it came from honest care, like it should when it comes to siblings. It came off like, imma do whatever it takes to make sure you don’t ruin the image I’ve forced onto you even if I have to break you or those around you.
We literally see at the beginning that the MC met the Vet as an adult in the original timeline and HIS BROTHER ran his boyfriend over in the future during a fit of rage ALL after finding out he was gay. (That’s why people paint him as the bad guy. Because he was an obsessive, psychotic, controlling, manipulative homophobic scumbag who never did anything out of TRUE concern or worry for his sibling.)

"Was he wrong for trying to keep his minor brother away from a grown ass adult? Under normal circumstances no. Under the storyline’s however.."
oh wow i didn't think of it in this way, this made me see it in a different way cuz just like you said the old brother "concern" didn't seem to actually be coming from a worry for his lil brother but more about controlling him and keeping him isolated from everyone else
tho i still feel uncomfortable how the story tried to normalize a 11yo being alone with a stranger/grown man i can also see your pov and how in this situation the old brother was more dangerous to the lil brother than a stranger

It’s totally normal to find the age gap uncomfortable. Them meeting as adults the first time around was a lot more passable than him going back to the past and going to meet him as an 11 year old boy. (His mind was that of an adult but his appearance wasn’t so the ML waiting 10 years was kinda weird. I feel like it would have been better for the ML to try and move on/maybe forget that the MC helped him and then accidentally re meet him after the 10 years rather than actually go out of his way and re see him.)
OOOOR, just never do the whole minor x adult plot line. I would have muuuuch preferred the MC at least be 18 or they not have such a huge age gap and just both be minors in the past.
tbh i also would never let my 11yo sister be around a grown ass man in his late 20s also i don't see the big issue of seeing the location of your 11yo sibling