
there's a controversy over if autistic adults can have sex or not? that's so stupid lmao people forget its a spectrum so it wouldn't be the same for everyone most people that say we can't have sex probably see us all as lil adult babies that don't know consequences (sorry just a random thought lol also i agree with you people take things to literal specially when its fantasy which is so goofy)
while I also agree that it’s not a case of “pedophilia”, the author did clearly put a detailed on how 3rd Mugo “didn’t know about normal sexual reaction!” that made it obvious that “literal child” 2nd mugo said is not about “Childish” . It’s not about physical but child mentality. it’s like the controversy about whether Autism adults should have sex or not that still have no conclusion.
since the actual circumstances in real life doesn’t have a conclusion either, so I think what happened to the 100+ years god in fantasy manhwa is not that big deal? Like people can be discomfort or not or whatever it’s up to you