In middle school, MC SA’d the ML. Made his life hell. Actually MC wanted to be close to ML since he liked him but at the same time terrified of this aspect of himself. Being gay and what people will say. He wasn’t ready to accept it. He and his friends SA’d ML and one day he just left him in the bathroom with 2 or 3 vibrators in his ass, tied up and never went back. The security guard at night came and rescued the ML. ML’s mom came to know about everything when he didn’t return home till late at night because he was tied up in bathroom. From then ML’s mom’s mental health deteriorated. She suffered because the videos of ML’s SA were circulating around by MC. It was horrific. For a middle school boy, this happening was traumatizing and heartbreaking.

holy shit now ik why he hates him sm i honestly have mixed feelings about him now but either way bringing a dog into this is not okay and nasty... plus they are both mentally ill, they need help. I can't believe someone would want to write this, very sad and tragic. the worst part is that MC and ML never get to move on from their pasts blergh. tysm for the spoilers

No shit. I understand why korean readers were so agains this novel as it does resemble the nth case room with all the circulation of photos of sexual assualt and rape and getting more people together to rape that victim then. Also, the dog sex scene was true. This is depraved. And it should be boycotted. It’s disgusting that the writer and then the artist worked on this.

People have been confused with contradicting spoilers about whether there is dos sex scene or not. Will they fall in love or not. I am all for psychological books and revenge plots but this was not it. It just shows that ML and MC has lost their mind and fallen into depravity. I don’t understand why people don’t write about redemption, or forgiveness.
Hell if you wanna write about revenge and trauma of sexual assualt victims, atleast don’t turn it into a torture porn plot with crap writing.

I will write a detailed spoiler once more to get more people to know in advance what is waiting for them if they wanna read this story. I don’t know why but I hate it with a passion. I don’t actually hate the characters. MC was bad in the start but he suffered. ML did depraved things but he was mentally broken too due to his suffering. He is caught up in the past which everyone has moved on from and his perpetrator even forgot his existence. It’s heartbreaking what they turned into.

Shit I feel disgusted but at the same time I want to read the novel but I after hearing about the dog. I just can't bring myself to read it. First it was the horse in bad life but at least it didn't actually happen fully but this shit is insane. The bottom is trash and the top shouldn't have gone through that but at the same time I find myself feeling bad for the bottom because like just kill him bro after the dog thing just kill him or he should just kill himself. I know I wouldn't be able to last at all. I would have a knife up my throat immediately.

This work is sickening. Same for Bad life.
I'd kill myself too if I was subjected to... that. Plus poor animals that are trained to this know nothing. What's the point in this, are we in some f*cking zoophile community?
When there's so much barbarism, revenge lose its purpose and simply become another evil.
If the premise remains but the revenge plan differs and was intelligent, with that nice art it'd be genial. But it's impossible for these authors and artists to do that apparently

The art is literally so beautiful but it's wasted on a mess up story like this. I can't imagine ever drawing such explicit thing. It would literally ruin my mental health if I were to be drawing up those scenes especially the beastiality scene I would literally throw up or just straight up quit the whole thing. I wish I can understand what the author was thinking when they decide to put a dog in the mix. Mess up bitch

OMG we share the same thoughts on this. Plus I'm an author, artist myself so I totally understand what you mean.
The more aggraving effect is on the artist's side since they illustrates the whole shit. But seeing it's THAT artist... I'm pretty sure they're fine, or already f*cked up in their head. I don't see otherwise how they can draw and bring into life such vile acts.
I'd like to know why they'd add animals into this mess too, because the bottom was already beyond broken. Either they don't take the bestiality seriously or they have weird 'kinks' just to not name it

But people say it is false translation of the original story, but the Manhwa will tell

There have been two versions. The story consists of two parts: main story and side stories. The original story had the dog sex scene in side story 2 but the revised version had changed it to a sex machine. It is said that bomtoon asked it to be changed due to the protest against it.
This does happen but that’s why the confusion is going on aming the readers of different versions.

Omg it’s just sick that someone wants to write about animals and humans doing something sexual…. I’m against it and would never enjoy reading something so disturbing. I can almost not read stories where the people are animals but human and one is human even tho it’s fiction, but an actual animal that is not human is just plain disgusting okay thank you for telling me. I’m glad they changed it tho since it should not be written at all or be shown in a comic !
So people who have been saying that there is no sex scene with dog or sexual assault with dog, it is not in the main story. In the side story, the dog and MC is treated as husband and wife verbally in a particular scene. ML even put forcefully the dog’s dick in MC’s mouth for a bit (few seconds only because MC refuses). Then ML helps the dog to put the dick in MC’s hole and then the dog fucks MC. He then brings dildo and pushes the dog away and put it in MC’s hole but then the dog scampers around impatiently and wants to fuck again so ML let the dog do it. However MC faints at this point. Then ML showers the dog with affection.
I think it is in the side story 2. It does happen. Very clearly. So this story even if it is revenge, it’s just garbage. The gangrape of MC is not kinky but full on lynching type of gangrape. Breaking his bones with the way the men beat him up as well as the lacerations in his anus. Fucking him with bat or repeatedly pushing urethra blocker in his penis to make him reach orgasm forcefully and painfully. Peeing on his face and even peeing in his anus. The ML getting irritated at that point because it will be hard for him to clean up later.
It is something that didn’t need to be created. Whatever you say, whatever you wanna create, we don’t need such evil acts depicted in details in media form and then webtoon. It is disgusting. No love in the novel because ML spent 8 years chasing after MC to take revenge so he is mentally broken, and he broke the MC too mentally.
They stay together because MC can’t go anywhere now because other guys who raped him or want to take revenge on him on some disputes might again rape him. Plus he too afraid and mentally broken now. MC has started to think of ML as his saviour because only he could save or stop any rape or torture when ML was taking revenge on MC + some part of his guilt too for what he did to ML.
Everyone acted on ML’s orders so MC is now in stockholm syndrome. ML doesn’t have any affection for MC. He just has the fixation of 8 years, his trauma, so he also can’t let go of MC until fully satisfied. That’s the gist of the story till now.