SIOPRO December 19, 2024 4:41 pm

Somebody replied to me and blocked me so I’ll outright start this ALL OVER AGAIN. Can’t believe it has over 100 chapters now. Disgusting.

“You can’t separate fiction from reality!!! It’s a YOU PROBLEM!! WAAAAA WE ARE NOT WRONG WE ARE NOT WRONG WAAAA”

Dumb fucking people.

Let me EDUCATE you.

This is an illegal site full of minors. You read it, you think it is fluffy, some read it and also support the books being sold.

But do you know, you SHOULD KNOW, the targeted audience isn’t you.

It’s so FUCKING STUPID that all of you with a negative iq keep complaining about “we aren’t wrong and we aren’t pedos if we read this!!!!”

Bitch that’s not the fucking point.
It is already extremely weird that you read it, but this is a site full of minors, adults and teens. People support this.
YOU who see this as “fluffy shit” are NOT the targeted audience. No matter what this is very weird and the author has VEILED THE SEXUALITY SO WELL all of you DUMB FUCKS fall for it.
The target audience is people who SEE THROUGH that veil. They are on this site, they are on the legal site they are EVERYWHERE.
Legally or illegally (this site is very well known), however much you support this work, that much popularity it will get, more wrong people will find these out.

Most rape cases involving kids start with this. Everything has a small core and ends up with big consequences.
For example (since y’all are DUMB AS FUCK) The Jeffrey Dahmer incident, once a documentary was released of his crimes, several people FOLLOWED his way of murder, since it was so detailed.

“Fiction doesn’t affect reality” until it does.

    cosmo December 20, 2024 9:42 am

    0% fluffy hair sigma sigma boy
    25% fluffy hair sigma sigma boy!!
    50% fluffy hair sigma sigma boy
    75% fluffy hair sigmaaa sigmaaa boyyy
    100% sigma fluffy hair sigma sigma boy!!!
    100quadriliongazillion% fluffy hair sigm a sigma baka sigma baka sigma boy

    Those who knows:

    SIOPRO December 20, 2024 3:39 pm
    0% fluffy hair sigma sigma boy25% fluffy hair sigma sigma boy!!50% fluffy hair sigma sigma boy75% fluffy hair sigmaaa sigmaaa boyyy100% sigma fluffy hair sigma sigma boy!!!100quadriliongazillion% fluffy hair si... cosmo

    You’re supposed to go against me not keep on proving my point bro is so bad at this

    Itiswhatitis December 20, 2024 7:12 pm
    0% fluffy hair sigma sigma boy25% fluffy hair sigma sigma boy!!50% fluffy hair sigma sigma boy75% fluffy hair sigmaaa sigmaaa boyyy100% sigma fluffy hair sigma sigma boy!!!100quadriliongazillion% fluffy hair si... cosmo

    Shut yo corny ass up nigga this ain't Instagram comment section
    Mad hoe
    Mad hoe
    Mad hoe you
    Corny hoe
    Corny hoe
    Corny hoe stfu
    This seems more original than the lyrics you copy pasted from insta comments

    Hisoka’s waist trainer February 12, 2025 8:15 am


    SIOPRO February 12, 2025 1:39 pm
    YES GIRL PREACH Hisoka’s waist trainer