Yes he is. And the two aren’t mutually exclusive. He can have trauma from what Cesar did to him and still understands who Cesar is well enough to accept that he’s in love with him despite everything. The best portrayal of their dynamic and of how Leewon feels about him was during the death-match date. When Leewon realized that Cesar was going easy on him, he tried to shoot him, smacked him with his gun and told him that this easy cute shxt he was on was a turn off for him. That he needed Cesar to go all out because it’s his intensity he’s into. Just remembering how Cesar looked at him and the possibility of the imminent danger was like an aphrodisiac for him. Leewon may be more sane than Cesar, but at the end of the day, no truly sane person would enjoy the act of trying to kill each other, then shoot their lover in the leg before straddling them. That’s literally when Leewon came to term with the fact that he was in love with Cesar.
I don't care how much he changed I genuinely want Caesar to commit suicide