Yeah I know, they could have literally just talked it out and agreed on positions or whatever. If the orange(?) hair guy wanted to be a top so bad he should have just said so? Black hair guy was so desperate for sex he would have probably agreed.
The orange guy knew the buff one wanted to top so he manipulated the situation and created that misunderstanding. It was all according to his "plan" (of course I don't condone anyone's actions here) and then he drugged this guy he supposedly loved???
This is the worst story in the Gwanggong Apartment Complex imo.
And the blushing...well I don't mind that, a lot of BL characters blush for no reason anyway.
Sorry for the rant but this story pissed me off so bad!
Bottom in Yaoi: * is being sexually assaulted *
Bottom in Yaoi: No way, why am I the bottom?
MY GUY THAT IS YOUR CONCERN?? And not the fact that the person you "love" drugged and assaulted you????