You can write here and it'll show in the "things" section

‘Things’ = sorta like the ‘main topic’
You can ask ‘questions’ or put an ‘experience’ under it.
You can also simply just do the ‘I want to do’ or ‘I did’ under the ‘Things’
You can create a new ‘Things’, however I think there’s an approval process for it, so people just use existing ‘Things’ to ask questions/experience.
For example. Click on any question in the forums right now. Scroll down and right under the orange ‘Follow the question’ part, you’ll see green text (that’s the main topic/Thing), and the ‘I want to do/I did’ and the amount of followers. If you click on the green text, you’ll get to the ‘Things’ page for that topic and all the questions that were asked under the topic.
Scroll down even more, you’ll get to a part that says “Popular things’, and you’ll see ‘All things >>’ . Click on that and now you’re on the ‘Things’ page, full of all the topics people asked about. You can click on any of the ‘Things’ that resonate with your question/experience, otherwise you can create a new one.
Scroll down again and all the way to the bottom should be orange ‘Recommend the most worthwhile thing’. This will lead you to ‘Create a thing’. There are some criteria etc. I’ve never felt the need to create a new ‘Thing’ so idk what’s past this part.
But that’s about it for what I know about ‘Things’.

And also to further elaborate,
A 'question' is asked so others can reply with their own experiences. You can't post your initial question with pics. However users can post pics on their answers. Each new answer from users refreshes the question and it reappears at the top of the forums again.
A 'experience' is asked so others can reply to you, specifically. (Think of it more like a personal post, rather than a generic post). You can include pics in this initial post. However users cannot post pics in their replies to you. Each new reply does not refresh this post and it will soon disappear into oblivion once other questions keep getting answered.
'I want to do' or 'I did' is the short form version. It is self explanatory. The text box is limited and you can only write like a sentence or two to describe if you 'want to do' or you already 'did' the Thing.
How do things work? I've tried to ask questions or experiences or like answer stuff but I always get confused on the way it works. So could someone help me understand it?