i get what u mean. your comment makes me remember this one netflix korean show who delved into the av industry of japan, and one porn actor said he thinks porn videos are outlets for ppl w unhealthy fetishes. personally, i think thats just a bandaid solution for factors that is the root cause of the main problem, and thats something society should actually be working on, but i am of the opinion that there's a place for everything that is deemed kitsch or bad. for me, kinda similar reasoning to u i guess, i grew up in a toxic environment and while im better now, i crave for something toxic every now and then. that said, there needs to be a psa on these mangas just to warn younger minds that this stuff is unhealthy and only looks romantic in fiction.
I read toxic tropes so I can stay healthy in my relationship. Sounds like ass but I’ve healed as a toxic partner after years and years of learning and unlearning..... and still this brain yearns for toxic tendencies bcoz of how I grew up... SO, some of u shouldnt judge so hard when ppl read this. This isnt even the worst hahaha