This is so me like I used to open this website like multiple times a day and I’m so embarrassed because I don’t want to fetishise gay men either but the stories I read on here really kept me hooked.Recently tho I haven’t been reading as much or finding as many things interesting on here so Im thinking it’s a phase of sorts for me - I’m not out of it yet and I don’t think I will be for a while - and I do think it’s like slowly becoming more uninteresting, so maybe it’s just a phase??? Idk honestly I hope it is and I loose interest in yaoi soon or later so it might be a phase for you too

If you're reading them bc of the smut I will tell you it's a porn addiction but if not I just think it's a hyperfixation
Tbh I was also compulsively reading BL last year and thought I was a horrible person for it, couple moths later I got hooked w some TV shows and started compulsively watching a lot of shows at once and stuff, it clicked after that I just don't know how to regulate myself when I like smth lmao

imo, I don't think reading yaoi necessarily means fetishizing gay men because while I enjoy fictional yaoi, I'm cautious about projecting those same feelings onto irl gay people.. it would be weird to do that. For me, I enjoy reading bl simply because I find it entertaining. I also read to kill some the time when I'm bored. moreover, I sometimes don't read bl just for smut scenes bcs it depends on what genre of yaoi u read, in my situation, exploring different bl genres expand my understanding of relationships. It's ok to enjoy things, unless u're not hurting anyone.
If u want to lessen ur time using this web or js reading yaoi in general, u can try liking new hobbies, or something diff to enjoy, in that way, you'll eventually stop reading yaois at some time wo realizing it. I have alternative interests so i dont rlly get fixated on js reading bl, and it works perfectly fine for me.
Reading yaoi can also be a phase, yk? I think I go through this sometimes because when I start to enjoy reading bl again, I might stop for a few months. This usually happens when I feel there's nothing interesting to read. But I always eventually come back to it like nothing happened (ㆁωㆁ)
hi i’m a girl and im absolutely obsessed with yaoi. it started off with me just reading some stuff because it was popular on tiktok and i wanted to join the hate train but i loved it so much. i don’t want to fetishize gay men or anything but im engrossed with reading yaoi. i’m literally such a basic normal girl irl too and even have a boyfriend but oh my god every night i open up this god forsaken website and read insane amounts of yaoi and if that isn’t enough to satisfy my needs i move to ao3 and consume even more mlm media. I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY IM LIKE THIS. genuinely i’ve tried taking a break but i can’t go more than 2 days without coming back here. i really need someone to like reassure me im not alone or insane because im so fucking normal irl but online im such a weirdo and i feel so alone and gross