Minaje Past?

YaYaMae December 18, 2024 4:40 pm

Wait I’m a bit confused. So he was already dating Andy when he cheated with the colleague. Got hurt. Colleague does really well in his place on the team. Takes Andy back and dates him again out of spite?? Or he dated Andy out of spite from jump, got hurt, and then It was karma that he hurt himself trying to save said colleague who ends up taking his place on the team?

    Zephy December 18, 2024 10:25 pm

    I think its the 2nd one

    ~IvehotarouZ~ December 20, 2024 3:47 pm

    Before everything,He had shoulder surgery and colleague ends up taking his place.And then he started dating Andy deliberately cause he noticed colleague has a crush on Andy(of course he didn't know they're sex partners).And after he found out,you know what happened...and while trying to save colleague,this time his shoulder which once had surgery got even worse.