lmfao, i was literally pissed of someone because they want the story to have some smut instead of plot. i just found that manhwa and i was thankful it didn't have 'much' smex scenes since it's still in the early chapters ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
[it was (Despite That) btw - new]
Nerd Project
Hollow Lovers (manhua, old, underrated)
The Magic Soup (old, underrated)
Half of Me

Was about to rec some but went through your reading lists and I'm being the one reccomended stuff ( ̄∇ ̄") Eto well, thanks for giving something to occupy my evening with! So sorry I've got nothing on my hands to rec. Nothing you probs haven't read already...If you read novels I'd rec checking out "things that deserve to die", "Living to Suffer", "Your Distance"...
anybody can recc NEW BL with PLOT PLOT? Like ACTUAL plot and not just continuous smut?
Yeah, ik, should've helped myself with shounen ai if I didn't like the smut but the thing is, I do?? I like sexy scenes but not to the point that 4 out of 5 chapters, the only dialogues I get to read on the speech bubbles are "Ugh" "Ahh!" "Thrust"