jk is shit but also, wbk

mimidarkz December 18, 2024 10:09 am

from the beginning we saw him treat his bottom like shit. anyone who continued this story expecting an epic love story is ridiculous. it was shitty to make a sex arrangement, but it was to help both of them out. there’s so many rapey scenes that are hard to read, but on the outside it genuinely was consented through both of them by agreeing to the terms. it’s shitty and disgusting but kim dan also agreed to be paid for sex…doesn’t mean he had to get raped tho, don’t get me wrong. just saying, you can’t complaint ab how bad the book is and the development when this was clearly meant to be a shitty ml with an innocent and in need bottom/mc

    mimidarkz December 18, 2024 10:11 am

    jk most likely felt justified in many ways bc of the agreement. but he also hardly saw kim dan as a real person and i think that’ll be a key part of his redemption. this author is pmo though

    manhwa lover December 18, 2024 11:55 am

    lmaoo p@inter of the nightt screaming out loud~ romance-tag crying in corner~ :/