It’s my 2nd time reading this

Yume no Tenshi December 18, 2024 8:11 am

1st one I barley skirmished through it :v cause it made me anfry and I was just wanting to see the smut KKKKKKKK
But now I read it all,,, and yes CARTER and Benny are 2 horrible cheating pos. No doubt. Aaron deserves better.
BUT! their chemistry is undeniable!!! And I believe albeit wrong, neither Benny or carter are monogamous,,,, they should be honest to themselves and STOP HURTING PEOPLE LIKE COLLATERAL DAMAGE TO THEM?!? Like wth,,, yall being homewrecks cause yall bored (reminded me of Ariana) BUT NAH, my boy Aaron did his best, took care of his husband and kept loyal throughout it all!!!! BENNY NEVER STOPPED BEING A HOE!!!! And MAN JUST TELL YER PARTNER YE AINT MONOGAMOUS???? The hell you gain by lying and hurting Aaron… literally so evil and selfish….
Carter is literally aromatic, a serial dater/cheater/manipulator narcissist a bish who doesn’t care about anything and anyone other than his own dick and boredom :v fuck carter, don’t be like him,,, like yes hoe around! Yes get with anyone yall want! BUT DONT LIE TO YALLS PARTNERS EVEN IF ITS A FLING OR A ONE NIGHT STAND!!!! Dont drag ppl to yer messy home wreck cheating:v

That was all, thanks for reading my hot take/ted talk.
I love sluty people and I support all relationships that are consented and healthy to all envolved
