Alright, guys, stay tuned because a big wave is coming! In the next chapter...
"Do you have any self respect?" - abuser "No" - abused
Iz this what it feels like to have a friend in an abusive situation but ur ...
Spoiler!! (in the next 4 chapters...)
"I'm home mom. I can still smell your perfume". That just outright killed me..... that is not fair.... I cried myself to sleep and woke up again thinking about it...
IF THIS BASTARD REALLY DID ORCHESTRATE THIS IM GOING FERAL, I'M GOJNG TO BE SO PISSED... like I can't even describe just the thought and emotions I would have for that...
like people have brought up very good points that I also saw and agreed like the chocking and that he probably did it so that they wouldn't become brothers and that's just..... honestly Idek why I'm still here after reading that but I guess I'm curious to see this train wreck.... but like I said I see the points and I'm also veeeeeeeery suspicious of the seme bcuz he's JUST SUSPICIOUS, I DO NOT TRUST HIM AT ALL! BUT, (there is a unfortunately a but) I honestly think that the invitation rn for the uke to stay with him is not just a scheme or like to take advantage of him and that he did not orchestrate this bcuz AT LEAST TO ME he really did seem to care and didn't want to leave the uke alone in a now empty house where he previously stayed with his mom. It's really painful to be in a home where you lived with a loved one THAT YOU KNOW WON'T COME BACK AGAIN, you will never see them or talk to them again. That's why that line absolutely destroyed me bcuz been there...... so I hope and kinda believe that the invitation to stay together came out of genuine concern and care rather than exploitation and manipulation and that the accident was really only a tragic accident, a very unfortunate and not deserving one.... I know she's fictional but this threw me off by a lot and I hope she finds peace and is happy even in that fictional "afterlife" world. So maybe im to naive and try to see good when there's is not but yeah... that's my opinion
But if it actually comes out that is a plot from the seme, I'm done im quiting, I should have quit long ago but this would be that last straw of the last straws.....