If not Hyeonshin then Yoohyun but as his father watching over. Also the who incest stuff is whatever because whatever incest is always involved with demons, vampires and shit. But it's still so weird, especially seeing their children especially yura pursue adults. I know age don't work the same for them but it's still wild and weird like weren't they 4 years old? Also, finally Yoohyun and Shiwon are so gonna end up together, if not VERY close. This might seem weird but bruh Yura and Green eyed guy is together. Demons and their romantic feelings are weird, actually no the Lucifer's are weird asf with romance and their feelings.
Bruh I thought this was gonna be some cute action fun shit, ugh why is it so heavily political JUST CHOOSE A KING!! Tbh, I think Ina's husband should be king (forgot his name). But I don't want the fam to be split between hell and earth. Why can't this end already