
DICKZ December 18, 2024 6:13 am

Boss is already an asshole. Ppl are definitely gonna eat this steaming hot overused pile of shit up. Bonus point if it's generic, they bang a lot, and the boss has a pitiful backstory. Enjoy the read gooners

    Geek Goddess December 18, 2024 7:00 am

    Thank you! I'm definitely enjoying the read already! Depending on the situation, I like to root for the Villain/Psychos--it is what it is. Growing up, while all my friends looOOooved Han and Luke, I wanted to be a Sith and held a wedding for me and Vader . I also often rooted for Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, Michael, Pinhead, Pumpkinhead, Chucky, Hannibal, etc. etc. I'm not a "gooner", I just like the Villain sometimes..........................and I'm fucked up in the head a little more than others and I choose to embrace it instead of trying to deny it.

    When it was announced the Boss/Sihyeon was gonna get his side story, I was excited to see his story, even though I hated (/hate) him. I love a good psycho....if they and the story are done right, that is. So, I'm reeeally hoping Sagold does him justice and not just give him a pitiful backstory to justify him being a sociopath, but, they will bc Authors love doing that for some reason.

    IMO, it's why the first The Strangers movie was so good to me.

    Victim: "Why are you doing this to us?!!!"

    Stranger: "....because you were home."

    LOVED THAT!! Bc it was so real. Sometimes, people who deal with manic sociopathy and psychopathy don't need a reason to do something bad and or mess with someone. Bringing this back to Siheyon--when Dajeong asked why Sihyeon strangled him and he didn't have a good answer--I know a lotta ppl probably hated that--but I actually liked it bc it showed us what type of mindset he has. But, he probably does have a reason (and we'll probably see it later on), he just didn't want to tell Dajeong at that time yada yada yada.

    Anyway! I'll end my comment here bc I'm rambling. Have a good night.