REVIEW: Edgy Teenager, anyone?

ReviewRaptor December 17, 2024 11:02 pm

My review will be short because there is legit nothing to adress here besides the obvious fact this is the type of 'deep' and 'cool' story a 14 year old horny teenager would think of when writing a self-insert fanfiction. And it's about as appealing too.
The writing is below average, the main character just pitiful, the guy who just acts like a dog in heat is dislikable and unappealing in every way except looks. And the ending is just obnoxiously weird, rushed and bland. Making the already dislikable story even more dislikable.
Even the smut scenes are not appealing. They look more like sketch practice for different poses, but not the interesting kind except maybe 2 in the entire comic.

It's not worth reading tbh. Not even as jack off material I would recommend this because even those scenes lack any appeal.

I hope that artist tries to make more comics, the artstyle is decent enough, but the writing needs ALOT of improvement.

EDIT: And speaking of bad writing...what happened to the hotel thing?
The story introduced itself as if it was about a hotel in which depraved minds meet all the time, but after that brief fucking in the hotel literally NOTHING was related to the hotel, BDSM folks and others, etc.. So that intro was quite frankly a waste of time and a random distracting point for the story. XD
If you bother setting a story up and pretend something is important, you have to make it important, otherwise your writing will just come off as lackluster and halfassed.
