I completely agree, the art is just really pretty, and I have a thing for stupidly posseessive tops, but the bottom truly has no self respect. He thinks that Ilay is using his as a sex toy and he still sleeps with him, because he is weak to pleasure, but dude it gets to a point where we need to weight out pleasure vs self respect.

I also have a thing for possessive tops but this guy just annoys the living hell out of me
He doesn't even come off as overly possessive to me. He's just being a garbage asshole with zero chatacter and even less development, just like the MC.
The art IS pretty. Sadly that's not enough for me to sit through all... that

Yep and I read the novel because that’s just the type of masochistic degenerate I am, and dude for the most part it isn’t consensual. The top is entirely self centered, selfish, lacks an atom of empathy for the bottom, and is pretty my making Teaui live like a live in prostitute tbh. This story is basically porn with a side of army shit I guess?

I guess he is insecure? And shows that insecurity via possessiveness? But yeah the story is trash because the characters have no development even in the novel Teaui never really gets angry or even holds a grudge towards Ilay and his fucked up antics, we just move on… Truthfully I am only here to see the sex scenes coz they are PRETTY I am not really into army stories, and read more of the novel for what? The sex scenes but yeah the characters never really change they stay constant other than a little bit more tenderness from Ilay, who is a little bit more , and I need to emphasise how little he is affectionate towards Teaui. Who is just honestly dumb and always goes back to Ilay, their relationship can be boiled down to sex. Yep that’s it

I'm even okay with non con to some degree. I don't always enjoy it but it's a way to move the story forward sometimes. There's danmei which has non con which builds to something, Low Tide After Twilight is rife with non con which BUILDS TO SOMETHING. I'm not a puritan. But here it's just this. Ridiculous plot that keeps repeating with absolutely no one acknowledging it. We have the MC being raped on the regular who says it hurts but doesn't seem to feel any way about it, apart from that brief period where he was feeling frustrated about his indifference. He raped back the ML once with some drama and it's just. Over and done. He said he hated him, BUT WHERE'S THE HATE????
Let's not even start on the top. He is somehow the most one dimensional character I've seen in this story. He exists to be dangerous, violent and rape Taeui. I regret the hours I wasted on this story. I'm sorry you had to expend even more hours. I'm never trusting people on Reddit for reccs again.

I am kinda okay with the dub con too, again I am a degerate, like I would like for one of these stories that show rape to actually show the bottoms stand up for themselves and actually having the balls to leave, and for some awfall calamty to befall the rapist. I think I would like that even more!!! But no Teaui just feels brief physical discomfort and we are back to normal business, we just move on. It happens again and the cycle repeats. Not once in the manhwa now or in the novel does Teaui stand up to Ilay and says "no stop!", he is only ever pissed at Ilay (pissed, more like hurt) when he asks Ilay if he like him and Ilay laughed in his face (honeslty so embarassing) and the dude still slept with him! And again later (SPOILER!!!) IN THE STORY he asks AGAIN if Ilay like him and Ilays says if that gets to make Teaui open his legs faster than yes, but that's not what hurts him (SPOILER!!!) IT'S WHEN in that same moment Ilay forces Teaui to give him head violently, and a peson walks in and witnesses it, and Ilay keeps going. Thats when Teaui starts to cry and Ilay stops but okay he sulks for the night and we are again back to normal business the next day. These characters show no real human emotions, like the shit that Teaui goes through is traumatising, maybe he's just desensitised to it? But he never holds a grudge or any resentment. That's probably why Ilay is obsessed with him, because all his life people have hated him, but Teaui doesnt even after he treats him like shit. He probably thinks this "guy gets me and judges my actions by my standard" (Because in Ilay's mind he is treating Teaui nicely because he hasnt killed him, or raped him so violently he sends him to the hospital) and Teaui still talks to him like a human being and not like a problem that needs to be sent away (like Ilay's parents did to Ilay) . But I'll keep reading coz again I like the sex scenes, while complaining about the shit charecterisations.

Trying to think of a story where a person genuinely leaves after being assaulted and the closest I can even think of Ten Count. Even that was more of a brief break and they got back together soon. Low Tide showed the horrible situation of being boxed in and the terror of being turned into a prostitute, and the ML did regret his actions, but Euihyun couldn't leave.
The standards are in hell
The novel sounds like a trashfire

I read those manhwas too, and I just wish to see some true hatred and revenge that doesn't then evolve into a relationship. I truly wish for a bad ending for the tops like a life time of dispair due to the knowledge of having lost the only person they loved due to their own actions that drove them away. I would read that.
The standards are in fact in hell, but these types of stories for me, scrath an itch you know, it's a guilty pleasure.
The novel is trash, I dont know how people keep saying that it's amazing, it's not.
I honestly don't understand what people like about this story.
It's just a rape fest with an insufferable garbage top and a weak pushover bottom.