That felt unusually short. The whole Sex scene Jaein looked uncomfortable. I have a feelin...

Jdene December 17, 2024 8:44 pm

That felt unusually short.
The whole Sex scene Jaein looked uncomfortable. I have a feeling once it's all over, Taeyeon will feel terrible about how he acted while being in his rut.
Jaeyoon never ceases to make me smile. He is so gosh darn cute. Dare I say cutest yaoi baby I've ever come across.

    Akino_Yonaga December 17, 2024 11:24 pm

    Well, it was on the floor. That can't be comfortable. But other than that, I think Jaein was not giving in to the experience because one of them had to keep their heads clear. I wonder if now that his heat's been triggered it'll feel different.