I think you misunderstood me. I meant I hope Leo didn't brush Yuben off. It must have been pretty difficult for him to talk about what happened to himself. Although it was shocking, I hope Leo didn't just leave making him feel like she didn't believe him or didn't care. I hope she said some words of comfort before she left.
I know she might not have been in an emotionally stable place which is why I don't think anyone will hold it against her. Still, I can only imagine what Yuben was feeling. He already had to keep quiet to maintain peace. Being brushed off after confessing what happened to him would have been devastating. I just hope someone gave him words of comfort.
I feel so bad for the children who thought they were being adopted. I know that Leo is in shock and wants to her everything for Connie, but I hope that she didn't just brush off everything he said. I hope she said some comforting words before parting. It must have been hard for him to talk about what happened him. Those kids at the orphanage have been though a lot. I hope they get the help they did.