honestly i love slow burns but this is a little too slow. it's the 64th chapter and nothin...

bottoms December 17, 2024 2:21 am

honestly i love slow burns but this is a little too slow. it's the 64th chapter and nothing has happened.. no confessions at all and the main character doesn't even feel anything for the top like..

    • みなみ • December 17, 2024 4:33 am

    WHAT I was about to ask if they have kissed lolol I've been marinating this since chapter 11

    YashaYasuo December 17, 2024 6:58 am

    I'm the opposite, I don't have the patience for slow burn but I'm really loving the pace of their relationship.

    Maybe it's because even though nothing significant has happened, we are getting development on ML's side, so it doesn't feel stagnant for me.

    Tsukishiro December 17, 2024 10:50 am

    Tbh still debating if I want to marinate or drop it entirely, because while cute, it's really not that entertaining. It can't seem to decide between being MMO centric or romance centric, and ends up muddling in-between.
    An MMO centric story raises the stakes, while a romantic one builds rapport. This one does neither efficiently.
    In Netkama it worked because the MMO portion helped build development. In Guildmates, it feels like I'm just reading Maple Story most of the time with a dash of something nonsignificant happening irl occasionally. It's not a slowburn, it's just kinda not burning, and any development atm is entirely just Jigu, which feels unbalanced.
    But I understand that this pacing is niche and refreshing for some readers, and it is a wholesome series.

    MR. BORED December 17, 2024 1:46 pm

    If y'all are not enjoying it then drop it

    • みなみ • December 17, 2024 5:06 pm
    If y'all are not enjoying it then drop it MR. BORED

    They weren't even hating, just sharing some pros and cons lol objectively speaking yk? Should be fine right

    leechingleviathan December 17, 2024 5:55 pm

    Tbh I love manwhas like this bcz I find some BLs too rushed. This IS slow but like I read it really casually alongside other manwhas while I'm busy with shit in my life so it makes it all the better when they develop a little bit more

    MR. BORED December 18, 2024 2:48 am
    They weren't even hating, just sharing some pros and cons lol objectively speaking yk? Should be fine right • みなみ •

    Who said they were hating? Like I said if it's not a fun read then they should drop it. There's other lovely comics out there that they can enjoy that isn't a slowburn

    • みなみ • December 18, 2024 4:38 am
    Who said they were hating? Like I said if it's not a fun read then they should drop it. There's other lovely comics out there that they can enjoy that isn't a slowburn MR. BORED

    What I meant was, as long as it's not blatantly hating, it should be fine to open up a discussion right? Cuz the way you said it feels like your implying that if we don't enjoy it, then just stop reading instead of complaining.