Alas!! Not everyone is smart to understand and god knows how all preachers just suddenly gathered here to tell what's right or not as if ppl reading are 1 year toddlers n can't understand a thing, these wannabe beacon of justice piff me off especially when they are preaching at wrong place n under wrong manga lol

First of all there is nothing pedophile about this story and secondly, people who can't differentiate about reality and fiction shouldn’t read imaginary story at all.
And most comedic thing about the readers here is that they read every latest chapters and complain how wrong it is and preach about morality. HOW LAUGHABLE.

Lol, you didn't read the comments here did you?
I was reading this manga from the beginning and saw lots of disgusting comment saying how reading this manga makes readers a "criminal", " pedophile" and blah blah.
Anyone who commented positively about this manga get backlash from those preachers. They act like they are oh so great angel but they are secretly reading this and enjoying it.

All that ridiculous yap yet this ain't gon stop us from hating on y'all degenerates and this pedo manga plus watching a crime movie doesn't make you a criminal but supporting the crime does ! Got it brainless retard? I can understand people hating on this shit but the fact that y'all degenerates defend this shit like your life depends on it really cracks me up

@ Batata actually I can! this is a public forum comment section which means I can say whatever I want! and literally all you have to do is take one scroll through this comment section to find weird comments!and yes I will continue to defend people who find this weird and uncomfortable because that is a normal reaction :D
Since apparently people think reading a story that has pedophilia in it makes you a pedophile. Just like watching a movie about Batman makes you the caped crusader. Are you satisfied by the crimes you commit in the name justice? Is it fun to pretend to be a dumb rich boy in your down time?
But seriously if you are confused about the difference between fiction and real life PLEASE don't read this story. For your mental health. Also consider limiting yourself to shows and video games that don't contain violence.
And enjoying the musical Sweeny Todd (though I don't) makes you a cannibal, I guess.
Seriously fiction with problematic content is widespread through our culture (I say, as an American). Also as an American I live in a place where they are trying to bring back censorship of books, especially anything queer. The attitude that we must emulate what we read in real life is really problematic itself.