Team erez

Nana December 17, 2024 12:34 am

I don't know why you guys are whining so much when clearly erez had better chemistry with her that Joseph. Yes, Joseph loved her in past timeline to, but it's not really only the ml's feelings you should consider. And if you ask me he didn't love her romantically as much as he respected her as a noble figure. While with erez you could see the growth of feelings and the way he navigated his actiong and feelings. If it was really important for Joseph to get the fl he should have acted on those feeling more and showed that he didn't just desire master/knight relationship. When in the start of the story i thought that Joseph was going to be the ml i was kinda disappointed because his kinda bland, while erez had a personality.hate hate hate when mls are just a decoration for fl and that's what Joseph was and if you think otherwise we can agree to disagree cus i ain't changing my stance.
