I agree. It's the 50/50 but then we bring the dowry to cleaning the underwear,taking care of their family and kids. Sacrificing our friendship but all they do is going out for work and come back home take care of the bills,have fun with friends and family but us girls? This is actually a sad reality of one of my friends elder sister. I know not every men is like that but it is what it is.

Also the most beautiful part about medieval noble/royalty is that the ladies of the house receive a separate income to spend on themselves from the budget by their husband's. They don't have to go and ask for money it's already allotted to them every month or so to spend. That's really cool from a personal pov. I've seen modern women who were housewives struggled to get money from their rich husband's. So they had to go and work which they despised so much but they had to it for the money. The work I'm talking about is like normal 9 to 5.

In addition to the traditional patriarchal gender roles, there's also a class component.
Riftan has an inferiority complex of being common class despite reaching such noble and grand acclaim through his warring efforts. Him wanting to provide only the best for Maxi, a duke's oldest daughter, is his way of placating that inferiority complex (as well as his way to show love to Maxi) Aka, even a commoner can provide luxury for a noble man's daughter who is used to riches and luxury.
He continuously tries to prove to himself that him being a commoner isn't a deficit in this marriage
As far as what I understood. The setting is medieval times but us readers are from modern times. That explains Riftian's approach towards his wife. It's like every other men but of course as the male lead he has a distinguish personality from generic men. He wants to protect and provide for his wife. However Maxi's character changes throughout the storyline. As soon as she's freed from her abusive father we can see how Maxi blossoms. She wants to learn,work, contribute and lead others. But Riftian sees this as 'work' which is unbeffiting a noble lady- according to him. A lot of women wanted things like Maxi back in the day but got suppressed by their husbands. This is like a glimpse to the past. Riftian is learning and unlearning a lot of things after experiencing things with his wife for example learning about menstruation. This is like one of the OG manhwa that we readers use to read when COVID HIT. I'm glad it's still running