I think the reason you think the characters are flat is because you don't understand them (Also I'm going to be talking as if you've read the current chapter since I don't remember what had or hadn't happened in 80, so spoilers for you).
I assume you're saying that Dorothea is a tsundere because of her relationship with Theon, where on the outside she's pulling back in forth. That conflict isn't out of a lack of respect for Theon that it is for most tsunderes, it's literally opposite, she loves him so much and hated herself so much that she didn't want to hurt him again in this life and was terrified to do so.
And if your comment was about Ethan, I think it's normal to be hesitant about guys who are constantly flirting with other women, so she couldn't know for sure if he was being sincere about his feelings until the big reveal.
I also am just confused when you say that she doesn't use her past experience for use, when she is constantly trying to improve other peoples' lives by using her experience. She's currently using her past experiences as an emperor to help better the lives of the people by telling her brother what to do, but she has been more or less doing the same thing the whole series. This also goes back to Dorothea's character about hating herself so much that even though she's most suited for being an emperor and it being what would be best for everyone, she thinks she will somehow f it all up again. She's slowly building up the courange to actually chase that dream again which she admitted in this chapter. She's slowly learning to not hate herself (⌒▽⌒)
I also thought it was disappointing that Ethan was the new spirit of light's master at first, but it makes a lot of sense why the author chose to do that. First, it gave Dorothea the push to trust him completely which finally put an end the the love triangle. It flipped it on it's head where instead of Ethan being the one potentially with an ulterior motive, it's instead Theon.
The decision to not make Dorothea the master of light also just makes sense. Think about it, why would it come to her *now*? If it did it would be implying that she was just impure of heart in her last life or something else, but that wouldn't make any sense given that the narrative is that she only lashed out due to her abuse, and also the fact that her dad is probably the most unpure of heart. Dorothea suddenly awakening the power that she'd been denied her whole life just feels like a lazy prize now that she's worked her way up to everything she wants

Wow, thanks for your detailed comment! I just wanted to clarify a few things tho, when i said Dorothea acts a tsundere i mean it towards her brother. i can honestly understand her dislike for him in the beginning and can see they are closer now, but i just don't like how she pretends to hate him. By use of past experience, i understand what you mean, but i meant it as Dorothea improving her life. If she was dead set on not becoming empress, okay then why not become a business woman or something that improves her life, i just feel like she is idle after coming back to the capital. And i called the characters flat only because the little things we know about Theon is that he is afflicted by some dark spirit and he hated Dorothea, now likes her. I get that he is a side character but i've read manhwa were the 2nd ml has more flavour. It honestly wasn't awful but this is probably what i would say didn't make me want to read further even with other chapter coming out. Anyway thanks for your comment (=・ω・=)!
i reallllyyyy wanted to like this manhwa. But the story honestly fails in hooking me. I got to chapter 80 before i gave up. While the art is incredible, the main characters lack any real depth. Dorothea despite going through all that hardship falls flat as a character and to me switches between being a tsundere and to honestly aimless in her own story. Dorothea honestly doesn't use any of the information in her past life in any meaningful way. She just shies away from her past experiences instead of turning them into an oppurtunity for her to use. Also the fact that ethan is the new contract with the spirt of light is honestly so disappointing. i would love to hear some friendly debate my view for this in case anyone agrees or disagrees. But honestly the art is probably the only reason i might recommend this story.