I mean I also saw it like that. But then ML is just stooping to their level, what he did isn’t any different from what they did in terms of rape. Felt sick seeing that rape scene. I honestly don’t remember if that twin brother (not the two toned eye one) allowed the rape of Jooha, I thought it was the two toned eye brother.
Or both.
I couldn’t help but feel bad, more grossed out honestly, with how those men ML hired easily rapes, they aren’t different from the men Jooha was raped by. Jooha would not be happy with this decision.
That’s my thought on this. It’s a complicated situation.

Totally agree that the scene was pretty brutal and disturbing (as are all and esp gang scenes)...
But in case you wanted to be reminded of the context, his brother was just as much guilty of running their disgusting pornography business as the antagonist....they were both also responsible for the death of dooshiks ex by giving him too many drugs during one of their shoots and didnt feel any remorse...so I think the author is very much of the belief sometimes you have to fight evil with evil (because some people are just too evil to be reasoned with )...which I think was evidenced also by Dooshiks development and how he says in the latest chapter how he thinks wouldve ended up similiarly a product of his environment if it wasn't for Jooha (which is the only reason he had some control aka not killing the twins)

Still brutal as hell as you said. And what you explained just adds onto why I also understand that it’s like an eye for an eye. I’m just shocked cause rape is something very sensitive and I wonder if Jooha knows that ML planned it on the twin brother Lmao. Fight rape with rape ig (well more than just rape to Jooha, he’s been chased by the biggest antagonist pilown)
Why was the antagonist’s brother that was raped around chapter 70 something, instead of the antagonist himself. I’m sorry but it was cruel and disgusting.
I don’t remember much so you can blame me for not knowing full content. I just wished the ML ordered it on the antagonist.