Hes hated bcuz he doesnt care about hajuns feelings clearly. This is common sense...i fear... he cares more about himself and bringing things back to how they used to be rather than accepting and making Hajun feel comfortable or just anything other than "how things used to be" like no girl hes hated bcuz he doesnt care about hajuns feelings, just his own

I have to disagree, he is hated because people think he should just accept Hajun feelings. When Hajun left he went after him, he's been his best friend for years of course he cares for him but he always liked women so is understandable that he wouldn't all of a sudden become gay.
Yujae never wanted to lose his best friend while all Hajun thinks about is getting together with him regardless of how he feels (facts). They kissed, Yujae is willing to talk about it and solve things so why is Hajun behaving as if he already rejected him, at least let him explain himself.

I feel like, he started to like Hajun hence his little change with him, he slowly gets jealous of him and stuff but... he is unsure of his own feelings. Hajun on the other hand just wants to get in Yujae pants without considering his feelings.
But yeah I agree, Yujae is trying to save his friendship while all Hajun wants is a relationship. Let's see how it unfolds.

first off Yujae is not straight
. he is in insane denial over his feelings due to his own cynicism & is very much attracted to Hanjun & the multiple times he thinks abt the idea of Hanjun sexually & gets very upset at the idea of him having relations with anyone else kind of emphasises that.
second off i think this is kind of a disingenuous reading bc of how it’s trying to villainise Hanjun and only Hanjun. the issue at hand which is highlighted in the story multiple times is that he has tried to put up barriers and distance himself several times but Yujae won’t let him, because he wants things to stay exactly as they are with the two of them being best friends. it’s the entire reason he rejected Hanjun — because he doesn’t believe in romantic love, & never considered seeing Hanjun that way despite ultimately being attracted to him (something he is deeply unaware of for a while) because to him friendship is the only secure kind of relationship. He didn’t want to lose his best friend, which is certainly fair, but he’s also controlling and constricting and by framing this as “oh, Hanjun just wants to get into his pants” ignores how much Yujae has actively jerked him around over the course of season 2 knowing Hanjun likes him, and how many times Hanjun has tried to assert his own boundaries before this.
the previous commentor Marion said it best: “Yujae doesn’t care about Hanjun’s feelings.” Because he doesn’t. He cares about their friendship, certainly, but he only cares about HIS perspective of their friendship and his very narrow view of it and refuses to allow Hanjun any sort of distance to recoup, which makes things worse. It’s a messy situation to be in, but he’s handling it very badly because of his control & attachment issues which causes Hanjun to react very badly to him.

I have to disagree with that entirely, Yujae is obsessively chasing after Hanjun stopping all possible love interest and friends he has as well as leading him on since that’s exactly what he’s doing is. Hanjun sat there FOR YEARSSSSS watching as Yujae flirted and made friends and got partners but Hanjun didn’t get in the way ONCE and when he confessed, is was the build up of fights between the two and how Yujae was already putting a wedge between them,
Even though Yujae has shown it from the start, the way he looks at Hanjun and obsesses over him is not equal to that of any level of friend and definitely not a family member,

Meant to dislike..becoz, even if he wants things to go back to the past, he doesn't realise how much he's hurting his best friend not considering he has any feelings of Romance but only attachment towards him. The last chapter proves it he's afraid of letting him go but he hates the thought of them being sexually involved. So yeah, for me he's a jerk, since it's clear Hanjun wants to move on n Yujae wants to drag him to the way they were like in the past.
I don't understand all the hate towards Yujae, I really don't. Is not as if he is not willing to talk to the Hajun and sort things out. We tend to forget that Yujae is straight and him liking Hajun and accepting him takes time for him to accept his own feelings.
How is he the dickhead? He wants to talk to Hajun about that kiss, he probably cleared his head and is now aware of his feelings for him and Hajun is the most at fault for not giving up sooner and putting barriers between them.
Now Hajun is going to act on his own and ignore Yujae, not give him a chance to explain he will simply jump to conclusions instead of hearing him out.
Oh well...