An I insane or have people lost their minds? A child is a life, she as a mother wants to s...

mari-san December 16, 2024 3:19 pm

An I insane or have people lost their minds? A child is a life, she as a mother wants to save the life that's going inside of her. I don't see her conviction to save her husband and child as something wrong. She can't just pop a new one at will as bread in an oven.

    simply absurd December 16, 2024 4:06 pm

    Because they live in a modern world where they either didn't want children or know many modern medical way to have children including ivf or surrogacy.

    But even that, as someone who know a friend who really struggles to have a child, to see everyone is so easily said they gave the child to the witch because she can make another child is heartbreaking.

    People need more empathy before they talk/write something to the world to see.

    lys-lys December 16, 2024 6:06 pm

    yeah and she also said herself that since the child isnt meant to exist that if the witch takes it she won't ever have more. I would be devastated if I had to give my child to a witch as a payment lol I would definitely have asked her to take me instead too. I hope she saves her unborn child and husband they deserve the happiness they found.