.ML will finally catch MC alone and confront her for avoiding him. She accuses him of 'being as cold-hearted as her ex-lover'. ML will be offended that she compared him to her ex-lover. He will tell her to forget about her ex.
He will give her his room card and told her to come to him once she decided.
After ML gets back from work he will see FL pondering at the lobby whether to return the room key to the reception or not. ML wanted her to come to him willingly so he goes back to his room to wait. FL finally knocks on his door and he quickly pulls her in. They shared passionate kisses and has their snu snu moment.
The FL will discover ML's scar from the accident 7 years ago and will feel bad. The next morning the FL will try to sneak peek at ML's phone to see how close he is with his mother (FL wanted to know if ML will believe her if she tells him the truth that his mother is the one who separated them).
Seunggyu will notify ML that Yena is MC's daughter. ML smiles as everything clicks now. He has always wondered why Yena looks familiar, it's because she looks like FL. However, Seunggyu couldn't find anything about Yena's biological father.
After that ML will try to get close to Yena but she will be angry at ML as he didn't let her mom come home early on her birthday party and made her work late. She even told FL to just resign from his company before her next birthday. ML was devastated.
Next day ML asks FL if Yena still hate him and FL said yes. Yena inherited her stubbornness from her father. ML said not to talk about that guy infront of him.
Next day, ML went to Yena school with FL to pick her up.
As he hold Yena's hand, he unwittingly asked if she wanted him to teach her how to ride a bicycle.
Suddenly he had headache as if the words triggered his memory. As he was thinking of teaching his unborn child how to ride a bike.
FL will encourage ML to try to find out about his missing memories. After that ML will start to find out what happen 7 yrs ago and bit by bit he will start to remember things.

Well his mother will try to again meddle in their relationship. And that b1tch Eunbi will try to fake DNA report of Yena and tell them Yena isn't ML's biological child but FL will provide the real report.
The culprit of ML's accident 7 years ago was the police inspector who rescued Yena when she was kidnapped. Actually the Police guy was ML's childhood bestfriend who was driven away by ML's mom as his mom was a single mom. And after that his mom couldn't get any job in Seoul and had to shift to country side. She didn't know she was sick and couldn't get treatment in time and so she died. In order to take revenge, that police guy changed his identity and attacked ML. He was also the one to kidnap Yena and send FL the warning letter. He wanted FL to live peacefully with Yena and her mother but as she was getting close with ML, he sent the letter.
ML's mother will have cancer and her bone marrow will only match with Yena. And Yena will be willing to donate her bone marrow but ML will not let her do so as she is still very young. But then FL's mother will tell them she has Yena's placenta stem cells stored. She will get treated with Yena's stem cells.
And Eunbi will get pregnant after a one night stand with the police guy who attacked ML in past. In past she falsely accused a guy of ML's attacker and that guy was sent to prison as a result of her testimony and she will regret for doing so. She will also help to arrest her brother. Later, she will leave Korea with her mother and go to US.
The police Bae-il resigns from the police department after giving the tape evidence of him hitting Jiheon seven years ago. He will tell Eunbi that if she ever need child support, she should contact him. Later, he will go to US to find Eunbi.
FL and ML will get married and they will have a baby boy too.
The owner will be showing him a photo but it will be hazy and he won't be able to see the FL's face properly but from that point, he will start to investigate what happened 7 years ago.