@Baizhu I keep seeing ppl discussing this topic and I definitely think differently in regards to significant others. In MY experience and personal opinion unless we have a discussion stating no touching while sleeping all bets are off. I will sucx dat bone until it melts in my mouth. Lol! And I definitely don't mind receiving head/sex while sleeping while in a relationship. It's hot/sexy to be woken up busssn a nuut/cummn. The only thing that would piss me off are face shots while sleeping. But that has been communicated so nothing for me to worry about.
What people need to understand is that each relationship is different based on INDIVIDUAL experiences. Everyone doesn't have those kind of bad/traumatic sexual/relationship experiences. And to generalize and automatically equate it r@pe is ridiculous to me. Also, I've had this discussion with others and most have also communicated it's based on direct/indirect individual experiences. In relationships things aren't all black and white. There are a lot of different variations especially when it comes to kinks and turn ons. But most importantly when beginning a relationship it's important to communicate likes, dislikes, traumas and fears so there can be fewer misunderstandings and altercations. We all can agree that communication is definitely key. Some give me the impression they have no dating experience based on some of these comments/posts.
Also, for those feel the need to come for me because I spoke my mind ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ I ain't backing down on this. I really believe someone ran an agenda because of their bad/traumatic sexual experiences and started venting. Then ppl jumped on the band wagon so not to appear weird or out of compassion. But what's not cool is trying to create a hive mind.
I LOVE being strange/weird/different. I was never good with clicks or hive minded groups. If no one agrees with me thats okay. I make no apologies on who I am or thinking differently. What people think of me is none of my business ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
And for those who are too afraid to speak on this subject, don't be. Just have a conversation with your s/o if you have one. You never know what may appear weird/strange may not be a deal breaker.
This was only a different perspective based on your post. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

It's cool if this is how you and your partner want to operate but the default should be no sexual touching while sleeping or unconscious unless everyone's clearly consented, even with significant others. So yes if that conversation hasn't happened it is rape -- by law, not just personal experience-- and I think that's what people are reacting to. We definitely haven't seen these two discuss this so from a reader's perspective it's not consensual and even if dude is ok with it on the inside, Gunjoon doesn't know that so he shouldn't do what he's doing

I completely agree with what you said !! I just forgot to mention in my previous comment that they should communicate first before doing this sorry. But then if they’re all okay with it that’s good.
I don’t mind it too LOL but yeah communication is def top priority (which I forgot to mention so it lead to all the replies sorry again TT)

girl if you and your s/o explicitly stated they were okay with it, that's cute(not that i really understand PERSONALLY because you can't express your consent or not and idk it turns me off to do stuff with some1 unconscious) but if no agreement or discussion, like in this story, about it, that's not consensual and yeah that should be talked about, no matter how hot it is.. it's basically like your s/o taking your card without telling you to go buy groceries and coming back as if nothing happened without ever asking you if you were okay with it or not

“No means no” did he say no? It’s not up to you to order other people’s relationship. For you to dictate what other people should do in their own relationships just to suit your preference when you’re not even a part of it is extremely weird and controlling. If you’re like this demanding and controlling to people’s relationship that you’re not involved in, you’re hella dangerous on your own relationships then.
At the end of the day, a healthy relationship knows the limits of one another because they are their own partners. If my boyfriend does touches me while I’m asleep and I liked it, Imma smack your head off if you order me and my boyfriend around on what to do and feel on our relationship. That’s how it goes.

reading skills omg, i said "no ANSWER means no". i actually don't care as long it has been discussed beforehand and not assumed and girl idk you're weird af because i never ordered you to stop your somnophilic tendencies- we all have our owns fantaisies, kinks etc.. love that for you my issue is just how it was approached in the story as no form of consent has been said, even WORSE, the mc asking himself if it's correct to do that without knowing how ml feels about it ! :) i could actually say to you the same
, the boundaries you are setting for yourself and your significant other are in no means a norm that should be applied to anyone else other than you two, even more on such controversial subjects like this ! classless behavior i'm screaming

are you living on the same earth as us ?.. you know DAMN WELL most of the readers of new generations of medias are teens/young adults, for who the brain isn't fully developed (and some kids too but i blame the parents for that). this & dark "romance" are literally in VOGUE rn and we already see a LOT of people romantizing and normalizing toxic behaviors, the main one being dubious consent.
and now tell me if, like, ~85% of the stories one reads are portraying dubious consent, don't you think it won't affect the psyché of them ? (spoiler, YES it does affect) if the behavior is not talked about, well yes, they will be more keen to normalize it.
btw NOTE that our issue is the lack of communication and approval of it before the act and not the act by itself, because it seems like you think i am judging you for your fantaisies and im pretty sure i already told you you do you aslong as it's consensual for both parties. if i'm considered as toxic for saying you should ask your partner if he's okay with receiving head while he is sleeping and unconscious before doing it, well i'll gladly take that role !
Don’t touch someone in their sleep even if they’re your s/o