Why is it important to know if his trans or not here? Go off lmao it's cute...
I get why people would interpret mc as a trans woman but it's also really w...
I love how the sister was supportive. The couple's relationship is so cute ...
Yowww wtf is with the comment section it's giving off negative energy. I wa...
So I read this a long time ago and loved it but wtf is going on with this comments??
The story is abt a man who thinks he could be deserving of love IF he was a woman yet after being the ML he realizes what he likes and who he is is not wrong. This a pretty common trope for gay man coming of age stories where they think if *they* were different than their feelings wouldn't be wrong
so WHY is everyone calling him SHE like I also questioned if he was trans at some point but yall are misgendering him for what