His behavior is what truly left an impact or Annette so HE'S the main reason she was left helpless and tried to commit suicide, saying he's not the cause is ridiculous. Sure, he's not the ONLY cause, but he's the MAIN and most impactful.Why? Because he was someone she trusted, he was her husband. Betrayal and lack of understanding from people we love is what truly impacts us, especially during a time we go through a change that literally turns around our whole world.Do you even comprehend this?
As for the divorce part, i agree that it would be dangerous to divorce her at that time, but if you read the novel and actually paid attention to his inner thoughts, you'd realize that this was actually not the main reason he wouldn't give her a divorce. If it was only about her safety, he had plenty of other ways to move her for her safety, but as it was shown in BOTH the novel and the webtoon, he refused to do so because he DIDN'T want to let her go even in death. His reason was SELFISH. The novel is called 'My beloved oppressor' for a reason.
As for your question, someone can enjoy the story and the characters even if they don't approve of the relationship between the two main characters. It's not either black or white, Heiner isn't the only part of the story, not to mention that even if someone despises his actions towards Annette, can still be interested in him as a character that is part of the story. There are countless reasons why depending on the person, the question is why does it even matter so much to you? They can do whatever the hell they want just like you can. They're not obligated to stop just because it hurts your feelings over a fictional character ( btw the contadiction of the aggressive 'tone' in your comment and the part you say that you 'get' people can comment over a piece of media is massive lol). How about you focus on your opinion over the character and the comments that agree with you if it affects you so much?

I see, you either didn't actually read my comment or lack reading comprehension. I'm not 'angry about this manhwa'.
The reason i continued to read, is because i like the story, so basically for the same reason you do. You can dislike a character's actions but still like the story. I know, considering the dichotomous thought process you have, this must be mind-blowing to you.

Asking that question is literally the same amount of media illiteracy as a toddler asking why Cinderella forgave her step siblings. Can’t believe you have to spell it out to people in this day and age, you can still hate parts of a story but still continue reading it due to other reasons.
No story is going to be perfect, and it might be because I love so many of the characters in this story which is why i keep reading. Why am I so mad because Im pretty fucking sure that’s the whole fucking point. The authors purposely write Heiner as a cruel person. Giving him a sob story doesn’t change that fact. His deranged psychotic obsession over Annette isn’t love it’s like possession, so the thought of them ending up together is painful to bear.
Im hateful towards Heiner not even because he’s a morally gray character, but rather how the author treats Heiner and Annette’s relationship. They think a redemption arc can fix it all like those toxic yaoi stories with that thrilling look of the male lead begging for another chance… but I feel like Annette’s journey was so beautifully written it’s just truly such a shame that this story will eventually go down that route too. I love this story man, I’m going to keep reading it until it ends and I’ll keep screaming my complaints bc it’s the internet and LOVE giving a fuck about fictional characters

Okay, so you do like the story. Thats all I cared about. I just felt like that everyone who was just shitting on Heiner never actually acknowledge that they're enjoying it, and that bothered me.
Like, if you're going to keep reading something, at least have a reason why you like it, and not just pure hate.

As I mentioned in my original comment, I agree, Heiner did have a big impact on Annettes downward spiral, I just meant that he didn’t start it. She was afraid of the public way more than she feared him.
In the case of the timing of their divorce, what I said wasn't meant to justify him holding on to her for how long that he did, but to point out the fact that she had a much bigger enemy who definitely affected her mental state. When the whole world hates you, it's hard to be happy about living.
Heiner does have responsibility for the abuse in their relationship, but he still showed a lot of distress over her pain (hence why he let her go, initially).
Honestly, I can't even consider their original relationship a marriage. Neither of them were complete people. That's why I can look forward to both of their growths, and accepting them being together.
Why matters to me, is yes, you don't like one of the main characters, but please at least acknowledge you're enjoying it. Don't shit on the author when you're both enjoying their work and reading it for free. It’s just tiring to repetitive comments that offer no explanation as to why they even keep reading it.
I find it really difficult to hate people, and even fictional characters. So, if I were to despise someone so strongly, I don’t know why I would still be reading. I cried all throughout reading this up to the divorce (cause those were all the chapters at the time), because the story was really painful. But that's what I like about it. And I want to see the main character's come to understand each other because I care about them, not because I hate them. Thats why it matters to me.

No one here said they don't like the story, everyone is talking about disliking Heiner's behavior, and speaking for myself, i haven't once in my comments stated so. I haven't seen many saying they don't like the story either and even those that did, they said they wouldn't like the fact that Heiner will end up with Annette, not that they don't like the story as a whole, so I don't understand why you want people to admit the obvious.
And no, Anette did not fear the public more than Heiner, it was after the first shock and suicide that she started getting a grip on reality and how the public is affected by who she is and what was her role as part of the Aristocracy. Heiner was the person she relied on, you think by having Heiner support her, the only person she believed in during these difficult times, she would still commit suicide? His actions made her feel worthless, unlovable and more than anything alone.
Also, about the divorce part, i never said you said this to 'justify' holding on to her, you are getting out of subject. What you clearly said, is that it was done so for her protection, which based on the novel and the webtoon, this wasn't the actual reason he held on to her. Reading about his p.o.v and thoughts, he is well aware that his attachment to her during that time, alone with his behavior is breaking her but despite that he couldn't bring himself to stop. And yes, she still has to face the public, but considering her growth and adjusting after her divorced her, nothing is bigger enemy than the betrayal of the people who are close to you.
Heiner showing distress doesn't make what he did any less horrible, showing distress simply indicates that he's not a one dimensional character or a Disney Villain, he's a person. Abusive people have feelings and can feel conflict over their behavior, because human nature is complex. But having feelings, doesn't not give them a pass at abusing others. We're all human and have feelings, we don not deserve a congratulations for it.
You find it really difficult to hate people? You want to enjoy the story based on the way you personally understand it? Congratulations, you learned that you and others and literally everyone can have a perspective. You can still do all that you mentioned, enjoy the story as you wish to, comprehend it as you want to, without having to control how others do and what they want to write. And if you can't, you should work on how other people's opinions affect you, because that's not healthy.

But their reason isn't just pure hate, and you'd realize that if you weren't blinded by your own perspective. They clearly stated that they love Annette and her growth and the general drama of the novel. It's incredibly disrespectful to the time that person spend to explain their perspective for you to dismiss it as nothing more than 'hate' simply because you don't understand how someone can enjoy a story without processing it the way you do.

Why were u even complaining to begin with then if that’s all u cared about everyone’s shitting on Heiner bc his actions are terrible and should be shit on. It’s got nothing to do with hating the story. Nobody in chat is shitting on the author either, i just hate Heiner who is a purposely flawed annoying character. His actions are suppose to piss u off. People can talk shit about him all we want and ur two brain cells should understand trash talking a character does not equal saying the story sucks. people complain about those fake heroine characters who try to steal the male lead all the damn time so why is it any different here. If you think he shouldn’t get hated on simply because he’s one of the main characters says a lot about how shallow your view is. I have no idea what kind of altruistic morally high hero you’re trying to be telling me I can’t shit on Heiner because I’m reading it for free like a vegan telling me not to eat meat because it’s murder. Oh sure then I’ll just go purchase the episodes, support the author, and continue shitting on Heiner? Ur the one getting mad at others for having an opinion no need to try and act righteous now when you can’t make any actual compelling analysis about the story.

You misunderstand me again. I didn’t mean that he didn’t divorce for her protection. He didn’t divorce her, because he wanted to have her under his thumb. I know this. My original statement was just to meant to express my feelings as to why, despite his real intentions, I'm glad he held onto her, because *I* wanted her to be protected. Mobs are quite literally my biggest fear.
I wasn't congratulating Heiner for his feelings. I just enjoy reading stories where characters have strong emotions, are in distress, and then watch them grow from there. The value of fiction is that it allows us to understand and feel empathy for people that in real life we wouldn't interact with. I don't think he's done something so terrible that he deserves to suffer eternally for. Suffer, yes, but forever? No. This is a story, it presents possibilities outside our own experience.
Also, why start to attack me personally? I express my own feelings, then you immediately assume I don't know how perspective works. We both have perspectives. Thats why we're debating Heiner's character. We read and take away pieces of fiction differently. That doesn't mean we can't be civil about it...

Bro, what? When I was talking about the reading for free part, I was talking about other comments, not you. There are other comments who mention the author, if you go far enough.
The only reason I say that it feels that people who just hate on Heiner are kinda saying the story sucks, is because he is quite literally 1/2 of the entire plot.
You are free to dislike him, I just hope that you're at least somewhat interested in his character considering what a big part he plays. Is it wrong to want to see his character development?
Also, please don't attack me personally over this. My opinions about a piece of media and it’s interpretation don't automatically make shallow, or some act of an 'altruistic hero'.
I’m sorry if I sounded mad in my original comment. I was just annoyed and confused at a lot of comments just repeating over and over the same things.

When I said, "so, if you're going to read something have a reason to like more than just pure hate" I wasn't trying to say that they felt that way. The first half of my comment was me acknowledging that I understand that they have a genuine interest. I was using 'you' not to point out them, but to describe people generally who may feel that way.
I hope this cleared up that misunderstanding.

The way you phrased it didn't give this impression.
Didn't state anywhere that i want him to suffer eternally either. Paying the consequences for hurting a person by losing said person isn't the equivalent of suffering eternally. I know what the value of fiction is, but aside for empathy, fiction in general gives everyone the chance to make their own interpretion depending on a lot of factors. I love watching characters grow as well, hence why i find Annette's character very interesting. I find Heiner interesting too, i simply do not share the same opinion. Despising a character's actions doesn't make said character uninteresting to me or any less complex.

Also, forgot to reply to the last paragraph: Your og comment was a personal message to readers who do not share the same opinion of you and even for another reader that replied to to you, you made the assumption that the sole reason this person is reading the story is hatred, despite them explaining very clearly to you why they do read it. Your og comment and your other reply, is very clear proof that you do not actually pay attention to what the other person writes and insist on your pov being the only truth, because you cannot comprehend how someone can like a story without having the same opinion about Heiner as you do. I simply made a very clear observation. Saying to readers "Why are you still here" and insisting on believing what you wish to believe despite receiving an explanation, says to me that you don't really want an answer to your question, you just want people to adopt your perspective or leave. Your comment was personal to these readers so of course the replies are going to get personal towards you. And just to make this clear, I'm only making this observation for 'here' on this topic. I don't know how you are in your personal life, nor will i make an assumption about it.

Oh wait, i take it back, i believe you, i reread your comment. I did originally read when i was at part time job, so i admit i read it too fast. This was my mistake, i should have reread it now before commenting.
Okay, since it was made clear to you that people who keep on commenting actually like the story, is the case closed? Do you now realize that people can hate a character's actions but still like a story and that any comments referring to Heiner unfavorably doesn't mean that they say they 'hate' the story unless they explicitly state it?
You can ignore my two above replies aside from the 'personal' part. I got 'personal' over my observation in this topic. I do not try to define who you are in your life. Your phrasing in your og comment came off as an attack to the readers over their opinion towards Heine
Okay, so I keep seeing reoccurring people in the comments just saying how they hate Heiner, and hate how Annette is around him, despite understanding his character.
If so, then why are you still here? You have said you don't like him even after acknowledging the morally grey side to this story. You have said you know they will end up together in the end, which makes you hate him even more. If you hate the male lead so much that he makes your blood boil, you know he's end game, and you don't like where the story is going, WHY ARE YOU STILL READING?
Like, I get the whole, you are allowed to say when you don't like a piece of media, but you HAVE said it ALREADY. Yet you still come back? For what purpose? This story isn't going to change to your whims, so why keep trying?
Also, on the topic of Annette's suicide attempts and depression, Heiner was not the sole reason. Ya, he was a terrible to her, and emotional neglected her, which contributed significantly. But HE was NOT the CAUSE. Heiner did not kill Annettes father and strip her of her nobility. HER COUNTRY DID. Why are people forgetting about the entire country who suffered because of Annette and her family's privilege. THEY continued to scorn and protest her existence. THEY screamed at the gates of Heiner's house. THEY shot her, causing her miscarriage. If Heiner had divorced her immediately, when the aftermath of the rebellion was still fresh, I shudder to think about what might have happened to her.
So, either say your piece and leave, or just admit that you enjoy this story. Annette is doing what she wants right now. SHE said that she wants to dedicate her life to understanding other people, this includes Heiner. She WANTS (and is trying) to understand him. Why can't you understand HER? (Even Heiner is trying to understand her more than you are....)