I've been reading the comments here and God, why are y'all comparing this to Jinx? Please,...

Deedee December 15, 2024 4:47 pm

I've been reading the comments here and God, why are y'all comparing this to Jinx? Please, nothing can be compared to that piece of shit of seme. Mr. Yeon here is a jerk and a bit slow when it comes to figuring out his feelings but he was never intentionally harsh or hurtful with Yeomin. Also, he made clear from the start they're not dating and gave the choice to Yeomin to continue or not their situationship. And I know I'll make a lot of people mad at me here but Yeomin is smart, bold and brave while Dan is the dumbest uke I've ever seen. Not once he'd been given a reason to like that sadistic seme and yet he fell for him right away. And don't get me started on his decision-making and nonstop apology for simply breathing. The author of Jinx screwed big time with their plot while the author here is giving us a nice storyline that flows beautifully so far. Have some faith y'all. Mr. Yeon is definitely not a red flag and Yeomin is the cutest and most special uke

    loveholic December 15, 2024 7:13 pm

    I agree, this is soooo much better than Jinx. I like and read both, and while reading Jinx I go with stupidity and clishes, but like you said, Yeomin is smart and not obsessed, can kick him in the ass when he wants.

    Deedee December 15, 2024 9:33 pm
    I agree, this is soooo much better than Jinx. I like and read both, and while reading Jinx I go with stupidity and clishes, but like you said, Yeomin is smart and not obsessed, can kick him in the ass when he w... loveholic

    Exactly. People seem to forget that Yeomin is the one who made the first move. He invited Mr. Yeon over to his place cuz he had an instant crush on him. He also asked him to come over at his work place so they would see eachother again and we like a flirty and bold uke who's not afraid to initiate things. And the fact Yeomin is totally himself with Mr. Yeon.. How refreshing! He keeps his joyful and talkative personality and he doesn't even realize how it bothers Mr.Yeon lol And finally he doesn't hesitate to kick him out or cancel their plans cuz his busy with work. Kim Dan on the opposite is in a constant state of fear and even terror while being around that jerk. What a pity!

    Ugandan Ghetto Air Force December 16, 2024 12:49 am

    You are so real for this. Dan could only be assertive like Yeomin in an alternate universe

    luxe December 20, 2024 5:11 am

    Idk why ur calling dan “dumb” when the threat of losing a well paying job and his grandmothers treatment probably was a deciding factor for why he never really tried to fight back

    Deedee December 20, 2024 12:24 pm
    Idk why ur calling dan “dumb” when the threat of losing a well paying job and his grandmothers treatment probably was a deciding factor for why he never really tried to fight back luxe

    Because he could've at least waited some positive treatment by that jerk before falling for him. And his stupidity was mostly shown over his decision to work overtime as a dog so he can buy a stupid luxury gift to his torturer